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7 Tips On How To Buy With No Money

If you’re wondering how to buy a house with no money, you’ve come to the right place.

While it’s certainly easier to begin your journey as a first-time homebuyer when you have wads of cash on hand, a low bank account balance won’t necessarily prevent you from achieving your homeownership dreams.

If you’re looking to buy a house with no money, there’s no easy way to say it: You’re facing an uphill battle. But the good news is that, with the right approach and a little bit of creative thinking, you may be able to call yourself a legit homeowner before you know it.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at seven tips you can use to buy a house with no money.

1. Save aggressively

Even if you were able to somehow procure a home for $0, you’ll still need money to pay your bills and living expenses once you become a homeowner. So, the first step in buying a house with no money is to change your spending habits and start saving aggressively.

Saving aggressively is a proactive financial strategy that requires a disciplined, determined approach to building up a stockpile of cash. Whether you’re aiming to save up for a down payment, build up an emergency fund, or set aside cash for long-term investments, saving aggressively is all about maximizing your cash reserves.

Start by cutting unnecessary expenses from your budget. Maybe you spend too much money at restaurants and bars, maybe you buy too many new clothes, or maybe you subscribe to 17 streaming services and only watch three. By adopting a frugal lifestyle, you can redirect all of the money you keep to savings — accelerating your journey to homeownership. 

If this tactic sounds appealing to you, set clear financial goals and timelines. Doing so helps you maintain focus and motivation. Worried you might be tempted to splurge every now and again? Use technology to set money aside automatically, with no effort on your end required.

While it may take time to adjust to your new lifestyle, becoming a shrewd saver will pay dividends over your life. Not only will it help you become a homeowner, it can also help you take control of your financial future and achieve your long-term goals.

2. Pick up a side hustle

If you’re looking to buy a house but don’t have money, it might be time to pick up a side hustle and earn some extra cash outside of work.

Feeling bummed about the prospect of having to work multiple jobs? Don’t be. According to a recent study, 61% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. So, if you’re struggling to save up for a down payment to buy your first home, take comfort in the fact that you’re not alone.

In today’s economic climate, some 50% of Americans have a side hustle. If the money you’re earning from your full-time gig isn’t enough to help you achieve your long-term financial goals, it may very well be time for you to pick up a side hustle of your own.

No matter your skills and interests, there’s an endless amount of side hustles to explore. You can drive for Uber, bartend, caddy, pick up freelance work on the side, walk dogs, or even launch your own small business.

Whatever you decide, a side hustle gives you an additional revenue stream, enhancing your financial stability and resilience. And the best part? Side hustles tend to be incredibly flexible, so you should be able to adapt the new gig to your schedule and work when it’s most convenient.

Beyond financial gains, side hustles also help you foster personal growth, expand your professional networks, and could even serve as a stepping stone toward a full-time venture. 

In today’s digital age, there’s no shortage of ways to make money online. That being the case, picking up a side hustle isn’t just about earning extra income. It’s an empowering journey of self-discovery that can lead to a more robust, fulfilling career path — not to mention the keys to your first house.

3. Study government assistance programs

Exploring government assistance programs is a key step when it comes to trying to secure a home without upfront capital. 

Truth be told, there are a number of programs available for first-time homebuyers. Often, they come in the form of down payment assistance, grants, or low-interest loans. In some scenarios, you may be able to secure loans from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) or the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), which are earmarked for borrowers who meet specific eligibility requirements (e.g., those who’ve served in the military). At the same time, you may qualify for an FHA loan and even potentially be able to finance FHA loan closing costs. 

FHA form

In addition to looking at programs at the federal level, you should also explore local and state-level assistance programs, too. For example, Pennsylvania offers several first-time homebuyers grants which can make it even easier to move into a house in the Keystone State with no money.

No matter which option makes sense for your unique circumstances, it’s important to understand the intricacies of these types of programs. Not only does this help open doors to homeownership, it also underscores the importance of leveraging available financial tools to make the dream of owning a home become reality.

4. Consider rent-to-own agreements

By blending the flexibility of renting with the potential for eventual ownership, rent-to-own agreements provide a unique pathway to homeownership. In these arrangements, tenants have the option to purchase a property they rent after a set period of time. 

While living in the house as a tenant in such an agreement, a portion of the rent you pay contributes to the property’s future purchase. This option can be particularly appealing if you’re having a hard time securing a traditional mortgage or stockpiling a substantial down payment.

Rent-to-own agreements help would-be homeowners dip their toes in the proverbial waters of homeownership while living at the property. Not only do these agreements help renters build equity over time, they also provide the opportunity to assess the property and the surrounding neighborhood before making a purchase decision. 

On the flip side, rent-to-own agreements also allow landlords to lock down tenants who have a vested interest in maintaining the property, helping them protect their own investments, too.  

5. Negotiate with the seller

Mastering the art of negotiation can help you move into a new home even if you have limited funds. With sharp negotiation skills, you can explore several different avenues to make purchases feasible — from negotiating a lower sale price to offering services in exchange for cash to proposing creative financing solutions.

If you’re keen on exploring this route, expressing genuine interest, conducting thorough research on property values, and understanding the seller’s motivations for letting go of their property can strengthen your negotiating position.

For example, if you know that the seller is sentimental about their house and is most interested in ensuring that the next owner takes care of the property, use that to your advantage during negotiations. By singing the house’s praises, you may be able to secure the house via an alternate arrangement — like a reduced down payment or seller financing, where the seller serves as the lender, and you as the buyer pay monthly installments to them instead of a bank.

While not every seller will be interested in exploring this pathway, you may be able to reach a mutually beneficial agreement by going this route. If you choose to roll the dice, be patient, think strategically, and be willing to compromise. With the right strategy, you may be able to transform a seemingly challenging situation into a golden opportunity for those looking to acquire a home without a substantial upfront investment.

6. Take on the seller’s mortgage

Don’t have much cash and worried that you can’t secure a mortgage on your own? You may want to look into taking on the seller’s mortgage after spotting a dream property.

Under such arrangements, you can simply take over the seller’s mortgage instead of applying for a new loan on your own. While this approach doesn’t require a substantial upfront payment, it does require the seller’s willingness to transfer the mortgage.

If you opt for this method, be sure to carefully review the terms of the existing mortgage — including interest rates, repayment schedules, and any potential penalties. If you like what you see, you’ll need to negotiate with the seller to determine a fair, mutually beneficial agreement.

If you’re wondering how to buy a house with no money, taking over the seller’s mortgage can be advantageous. Even so, it requires you to do due diligence so you can have a clear understanding of the financial responsibilities involved should the seller agree to pursue this avenue with you.

home finance calculator

7. Pool resources with family and friends

Just because you don’t have a lot of cash doesn’t mean your family and friends won’t want to chip in to help you achieve your homeownership dreams. By combining financial contributions from multiple parties, you can create a fund that eventually adds up to a down payment. Not only does this ease the financial commitment of each participant, it also strengthens the sense of community and shared responsibility among those who choose to participate.

By leveraging the financial strength of a group, you may be able to raise enough money for a down payment, closing costs, and even secure a mortgage. It’s up to you to determine whether you need to pay back the folks who lend you money — or whether they are perfectly happy to help you become a homeowner with no strings attached.

How to buy a house with no money: FAQs

1. Can you really buy a house with no money down?

Yes, it’s possible to buy a house without a traditional down payment. You just need to get creative. Explore government assistance programs, seller financing, or collaborative options like pooling money with family and friends. With the right approach, you may be able to end up buying a home even if you don’t have any cash stockpiled.

2. What government assistance programs are available for first-time homebuyers?

Government agencies at the federal, state, and even local level offer several programs that support first-time homebuyers. As you begin searching for creative financing solutions, look into products like FHA loans, VA loans, and USDA loans, all of which are available through the federal government. You’ll also want to explore state- and local-level assistance programs that are specific to geographic areas.

3. How does seller financing work and is it really a viable option for me?

Seller financing is a creative financing approach where the seller acts as the lender, letting the buyer make payments over time. To pursue this option, the seller first has to agree. Assuming they do, you’ll have to negotiate key terms like interest rates and repayment schedules. While this is an unconventional way to secure a property, it can be a viable option if you don’t have any cash and can’t get a mortgage.

Ready to buy a house with no money? Talk to an expert

Regardless of how much cash you have, buying a house is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. The good news is that it’s one you don’t have to make entirely on your own.

When you’re ready to take the next step in your homeownership journey, talk to a broker who can help you explore all available financing options. 

By partnering with the right expert, you’ll end up in the home of your dreams before you know it.

What are you waiting for? Schedule a free consultation today!


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