1st Time Homebuyer Guides Real Estate

What to Look for When Buying a House?

13 Non-Negotiables on Our List!

You’re ready to plant roots and find a home. But the sheer number of factors you need to consider on your journey to homeownership can be overwhelming. 

With most buyers having at least five key features on their list when choosing a home, it’s clear you’re not alone in wanting specifics.

If you’re thinking about buying your first home, you’ve come to the right place. This article will guide you through 13 critical elements that should be on your radar when house hunting — helping you identify what’s really important. 

Sit tight — valuable insights await!

Key Takeaways

  • Always distinguish between your needs and wants; prioritize essentials like location, bedroom count, and affordability to guide your home search efficiently.
  • Pay close attention to the condition of vital home features such as the roof, HVAC system, kitchen appliances, and energy efficiency. While you’re at it, ensure there’s adequate natural light and ventilation, too.
  • Consider long-term aspects — like a safe neighborhood and quality schools — since they can impact both living satisfaction and property value over time.
  • Factor in additional costs beyond the purchase price — including property taxes, insurance, and maintenance fees — when assessing overall affordability.
  • Don’t skip a professional home inspection as it could reveal hidden issues that may cost you significantly in repairs after purchasing.

Buying a new home: Understanding needs vs. wants

Distinguishing between what you need in a new home and what you want is crucial. 

Your needs are the essentials, like enough bedrooms for your family or a reasonable commute to work. These are your non-negotiables that directly impact your day-to-day life. 

Wants, on the other hand, might include a swimming pool or granite countertops — features that are nice to have but not dealbreakers.

Prioritize items from your must-have list when searching for homes as these factors will guide your decision-making process. Making this distinction early helps keep your home search focused and efficient, ensuring you invest in a house that fulfills both practical requirements and personal desires within budget constraints.

As you assess potential homes, remember to weigh each feature against this list; it’s easy to get swayed by lavish extras, but you should stay true to what’s essential for long-term satisfaction with your purchase.

With clarity on needs versus wants, it’s time to start considering the ideal features you want in a house — the next step in finding the perfect home.

13 must-have features to look for in a home

When buying a home, it’s important to prioritize features such as a great location, enough bedrooms, adequate parking, outdoor space, rental or resale value, safe neighborhood, quality schools nearby, good condition of the property, natural light and ventilation, energy-efficiency, affordability and access to local amenities.

As you narrow down your options, remember these non-negotiables that can significantly impact your overall satisfaction with your new home.

1. Great location

Finding the right location is crucial as you hunt for your new home. A great spot means different things to different people, so think about your daily routine and what’s important to you.

Do you crave the excitement of city life or the peace of suburbia? Maybe a cozy neighborhood that’s just a stone’s throw from work, schools, shops, and parks checks all your boxes.

Keep in mind that homes in prime locations maintain their value better over time, making them smart investments.

While you’re at it, consider how the location impacts other aspects like safety and local amenities. You want to feel at ease whether you’re taking an evening stroll or sending your kids off to school.

A safe environment ranks high on anyone’s list — so take some time to research crime statistics or talk with potential neighbors about their experiences living there. And don’t forget commute times! Living closer to work can save hours each week, giving you back precious time for family activities and hobbies.

Make sure the place fits not just your needs now but also has room for whatever future plans might unfold.

2. Enough bedrooms

Having enough bedrooms is critical when it comes to meeting your current and future needs. If you’re planning on expanding your family or simply need an extra room for guests, make sure the house accommodates that.

Consider how each bedroom can serve multiple purposes over time. Today’s nursery might be tomorrow’s home office, for example.

Choose a home with a bedroom count that aligns with your lifestyle and long-term plans. A spare room often serves as a versatile space; it could become a craft area, storage space, or workout room if not used for sleeping.

Check this off your must-have list to ensure everyone in the household has their own comfortable retreat after a long day.

3. Adequate parking

Adequate parking is a crucial non-negotiable when buying a home. Having enough space to comfortably park your vehicles — whether it be in a garage, carport, or designated parking area — ensures convenience and security for you and your family.

Not having to worry about finding street parking or facing potential issues with neighborhood regulations can significantly enhance your everyday living experience and overall peace of mind.

Prospective homeowners should prioritize homes that offer ample parking options. This feature not only adds practical value but also contributes to the overall appeal and functionality of the property.

4. Outdoor space

A house with outdoor space is a definite must-have when buying your first home. A yard or patio offers additional living and entertaining space, which can be significantly beneficial for both you and potential future buyers.

When considering your non-negotiables, prioritize the type of outdoor space that fits your lifestyle. Maybe it’s a spacious backyard for gardening and recreation, or a smaller area ideal for low-maintenance upkeep.

Incorporate practical aspects into your evaluation of outdoor spaces, such as privacy from neighbors, the orientation of the sun in relation to the yard, and any existing features like decks or sheds.

5. Rental or resale value

A home’s rental or resale value is a crucial consideration when making a purchase. As a first-time homeowner, you should prioritize properties with the potential for appreciation in value over time.

Research suggests that neighborhoods with good schools, access to local amenities, and low crime rates tend to have higher rental and resale values. Analyzing the property’s location, future development plans in the area, and historical sales data can help you make an informed decision about its long-term investment potential.

Additionally, understanding market trends and seeking guidance from real estate professionals can provide valuable insights into determining which areas are likely to experience growth in property values.

6. Safe neighborhood

A safe neighborhood is non-negotiable when buying a home. Research crime rates and speak with local residents to assess the safety of the area. Consider factors such as street lighting, security systems, and police presence to ensure your new community provides a secure environment for you and your family.

Local crime statistics can offer valuable insights into the safety of a neighborhood. Look for well-lit streets, gated communities, and active Neighborhood Watch programs as indicators of a secure environment that aligns with your needs for peace of mind in your new home.

7. Quality of schools

When considering a new home, the quality of schools in the area is a crucial factor to think about. Research shows that top-rated schools can significantly impact property values and provide better educational opportunities for your children.

Paying attention to school district ratings and extracurricular offerings can help ensure your family’s educational needs are met. Understanding local school options will empower you to make an informed decision about your future home.

8. Good condition

Ensuring that the house is in good condition is a non-negotiable aspect when buying a home — which is why you must get a home inspection. The structural integrity of the property, including the foundation, walls, and roof, should be thoroughly inspected to avoid costly repairs in the future.

Additionally, checking for signs of water damage or mold can save you from potential health hazards and financial strain down the line.

It’s crucial to look out for any signs of wear and tear on essential components such as plumbing, electrical systems, and HVAC units to ensure they are functioning properly. Addressing any maintenance issues before purchasing will help prevent unforeseen expenses after moving into your new home.

9. Natural light and ventilation

When looking for a new home, it’s crucial to consider the amount of natural light and ventilation available. Homes with good natural light and airflow not only feel more inviting but also promote better health and well-being for you and your family.

10. Energy-efficiency

Energy-efficiency is a crucial feature to consider when buying a home. Lower energy bills and reduced environmental impact are key benefits. Look for homes with modern insulation, efficient heating and cooling systems, and energy-efficient appliances to save on utility costs in the long run.

Investing in an energy-efficient home aligns with your financial goals while contributing positively to sustainable living. Choose properties featuring LED lighting, high-efficiency windows, and Energy Star-rated appliances for a more eco-friendly lifestyle that doesn’t compromise on comfort or convenience.

11. Affordability

Affordability is a crucial factor when buying a house. Your budget will determine the type of home you can afford and its location. It’s important to consider not just the purchase price, but also ongoing expenses like property taxes, insurance, maintenance, and utilities.

Prioritizing affordability ensures that your dream home won’t become a financial burden in the long run.

Keeping costs manageable allows for future financial security and flexibility. Researching mortgage options and consulting with financial advisors can help you make informed decisions about what fits within your budget while still meeting your needs for space and amenities without sacrificing your fiscal health or peace of mind as you embark on this significant investment in your future.

12. Local amenities

When buying a house, local amenities play a crucial role in your day-to-day life. Access to grocery stores, restaurants, parks, and medical facilities can greatly impact your quality of life.

Proximity to public transportation and recreational facilities is also important for many homeowners.

Having schools, fitness centers, and entertainment options nearby is often non-negotiable for families or individuals with specific lifestyle needs. Living near amenities that are important to you can enhance your overall satisfaction with your new home and community.

13. Close commute

A close commute is a non-negotiable when buying a house. The average American spends around 28 minutes commuting to work each way, so finding a home with easy access to your workplace can significantly improve your quality of life.

Research shows that long commutes have been linked to higher levels of stress and lower overall satisfaction with life. Additionally, shorter commute times allow for more time spent with loved ones or engaging in leisure activities, enhancing overall well-being.

When looking for a new home, consider the proximity to your workplace and the ease of commuting as one of your top priorities. A shorter commute not only saves time but also reduces expenses related to transportation while positively impacting mental and physical health.

What to look for when buying a house: Red flags

When buying a house, it’s important to watch out for red flags that could indicate potential issues with the property. Keep an eye out for old HVAC systems, broken appliances, leaky roofs, outdated kitchens, and high property taxes or insurance costs.

These factors can impact your overall satisfaction and financial stability as a homeowner.

Old HVAC system

An old HVAC system can lead to costly repairs and high energy bills. It’s essential to ensure that the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in a potential home are updated and well-maintained.

An outdated system may not efficiently regulate indoor temperatures, causing discomfort and potentially impacting your health. When considering a new home, prioritize inspecting the HVAC system to avoid unexpected expenses down the line.

Older HVAC systems often lack modern energy-efficient features, leading to increased utility costs for homeowners. Prospective buyers should prioritize homes with updated HVAC systems, as they offer improved energy conservation and contribute to lower monthly expenses.

Broken appliances

When looking to buy a new home, be on the lookout for broken appliances. Malfunctioning or outdated appliances such as refrigerators, ovens, and dishwashers can add unexpected expenses to your move-in budget.

Prioritize a property with well-maintained and functional appliances to avoid the hassle of immediate replacements.

Consider hiring an inspector who will thoroughly check all appliances in the house before finalizing your decision on purchasing the property. In case any issues are identified, negotiate repairs or replacements with the seller, taking into account their potential impact on your overall investment in the new home.

Leaky roof

A leaky roof is a major red flag when buying a house. It can lead to costly repairs and potential water damage inside the home. A well-maintained roof is non-negotiable, ensuring protection for your investment and peace of mind in any weather conditions.

Ensuring that the house you’re considering has a sturdy, watertight roof is essential. Without this non-negotiable feature, you risk facing extensive repairs or replacements down the road.

Water intrusion can cause structural damage and mold growth, affecting both the safety and value of your potential new home.

Outdated kitchen

Ensure the kitchen is updated as it can add significant value to your home. An outdated kitchen can be a considerable expense, requiring immediate updates and renovations. A modern, functional kitchen with updated appliances and fixtures enhances the overall appeal of the house.

Consider renovating the kitchen to match your needs, as an old-fashioned design may not suit your lifestyle or aesthetics. Upgrading countertops, cabinets, and appliances will make a noticeable difference in both aesthetics and functionality.

When you’re evaluating potential homes, take note of any need for kitchen upgrades. Keep in mind that remodeling costs should be factored into your overall budget when considering a property for purchase.

High property taxes and insurance costs

When considering a potential home purchase, accounting for high property taxes and insurance costs is essential. These ongoing expenses can significantly impact your budget, so it’s crucial to factor in these additional costs when evaluating the affordability of a prospective property.

High property taxes may necessitate adjustments in other areas of your finances, while expensive insurance premiums could strain your monthly expenses. Prospective homeowners must carefully weigh these financial obligations alongside the home’s purchase price and any mortgage payments.

To prevent unexpected financial strain after buying a house, conducting thorough research into the typical property tax rates and insurance premium ranges within your desired location will help you make an informed decision about whether a specific property aligns with your overall budgeting strategy.

Buying a house: Frequently asked questions

– Wondering about the down payment? Curious if you really need a home inspection? Get these questions answered and more in this section!

How big of a down payment should I put down?

Consider the current housing market and your financial situation when deciding on a down payment. You should strive to put down at least 20% of the home’s purchase price to avoid private mortgage insurance (PMI) and secure better loan terms.

Additionally, a larger down payment reduces your overall mortgage amount, decreasing interest costs over time. However, if saving for a 20% down payment seems unattainable, various programs offer lower down payment options that may be suitable for first-time buyers or those with limited savings.

When deciding on the size of your down payment, assess how much you can comfortably afford while keeping ample emergency funds available. Research different loan options to find one that aligns with your circumstances and discuss potential scenarios with a trusted real estate professional to determine a suitable down payment amount.

What if I can’t find the perfect home?

If you can’t find the perfect home, focus on your non-negotiables and prioritize what’s essential for you. Consider compromising on features that can be updated or changed over time, such as interior decor or landscaping.

Keep in mind that no home is entirely perfect, but finding one that accommodates most of your needs and some wants is a realistic goal. Be open-minded and willing to make adjustments to fit your budget and lifestyle, while also considering the potential of a property to grow with you in the future.

Remember that it’s important to stay adaptable during the home search process. Don’t feel discouraged if every house doesn’t meet all of your criteria; instead, keep looking until you find one that comes close enough to meeting most of your key requirements.

Do I really need a home inspection?

A home inspection is a non-negotiable step in the homebuying process. It provides vital insight into the condition of the property, ensuring you make an informed decision. Be sure to choose a qualified inspector who will thoroughly assess the structural integrity, electrical and plumbing systems, and overall safety of the house.

Home inspections can reveal hidden issues that may not be noticeable during a casual tour of the property. This critical step helps you avoid costly repairs down the road and gives you peace of mind about your investment.

Make sure to schedule a home inspection before finalizing your purchase agreement to protect yourself from unforeseen problems.

Who can help me find my first home?

Professional real estate agents with experience working with first-time homebuyers can provide invaluable assistance in navigating the complex process of finding and purchasing your first home.

These agents possess expert knowledge of local housing markets, access to comprehensive listings, and can guide you through each step of the buying journey. They will aid in identifying suitable properties that align with your non-negotiables and assist in negotiating favorable terms, ensuring a smooth transition to homeownership.

Mortgage brokers or lenders are also crucial allies when searching for your first home. Their expertise enables them to assess financial readiness, advise on available mortgage options, and secure pre-approval for loans within your budget.

Are you ready to buy your first home?

Ready to purchase your first home? Consider these 13 non-negotiables on our list. Prioritize your needs, like a great location and enough bedrooms. Do thorough research and stay focused on the ultimate prize of finding the perfect home.

As you continue through the process, make a list of must-haves — it could make or break the deal! 

And remember, it’s crucial that you’re ready to commit to this life-changing investment. The last thing you want is to buy a home only to find out the hard way you bit off more than you can chew.

To learn more about what to expect on your journey to homeownership, check this out.


The content provided on this website is offered for educational purposes only. While we endeavor to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the content for any purpose. Visitors are advised to consult with qualified experts before making any financial decisions or taking any actions based on the information provided on this website.

1st Time Homebuyer FHA Guides Real Estate

How to Get FHA Condo Approval

Searching for a condo that fits your budget and lifestyle can be challenging — especially when you need FHA approval to secure financing. In fact, it takes an average of two to four weeks to get a condo FHA-approved.

If you’re looking to get an FHA condo approval, you’re in the right place. This article will guide you through the process, from understanding FHA loan requirements to obtaining approval. Keep reading to simplify your journey toward owning an FHA-approved home!

Key Takeaways

  • FHA-approved condos can be found using the HUD website’s search feature, real estate listings with filters for approved properties, or by consulting local real estate agents.
  • To qualify for an FHA loan and condo approval, a minimum credit score of 500 is required; however, a score of 580 allows for a lower down payment of just 3.5%.
  • The process to get a condo FHA approved involves working with experienced lenders and requires documentation like proof of income and tax returns; ongoing eligibility needs attention due to recertification every three years.
  • Weigh the benefits such as flexibility in financing terms and affordability against drawbacks like mandatory mortgage insurance premiums and possible limited availability of units when considering an FHA-approved condo.
  • Stay proactive about improving credit scores by paying bills on time, managing debt levels wisely, being aware of one’s credit report details, and keeping older accounts open while limiting new ones. All of these actions can influence your success in obtaining an FHA loan for a condo purchase.

What is an FHA-approved condo?

An FHA-approved condo meets specific guidelines that make it eligible for financing through an FHA loan. These condos pass a rigorous process, ensuring they adhere to health, safety, and financial stability standards set by the Federal Housing Administration.

You’ll find these approved properties more accessible if you have a lower down payment or a less-than-perfect credit score because they qualify for loans with as little as 3.5% down and credit scores starting at 500.

To stay in this privileged category, condominium communities undergo recertification every three years. This continuous approval cycle keeps the living standard high and reassures lenders about the quality of their investment.

Now that you know what makes an FHA-approved condo special, let’s explore how to locate one in your search for the perfect home.

How to find FHA-approved condos

Finding your dream condo with FHA approval doesn’t have to be a tough process. Start by using resources designed specifically to locate FHA-approved condominiums in your desired area.

  • Visit the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) website. They maintain a searchable database of approved condo projects.
  • Use the filter function on the HUD website to narrow down your search by state, county, or ZIP code for precision results.
  • Check out real estate listing websites. Many include filters for FHA-approved condos, so you can see what’s available at a glance.
  • Contact local real estate agents. They are often knowledgeable about properties in the process of getting FHA certification or those already approved.
  • Explore lender listings. Some mortgage lenders provide lists of FHA-approved condos to help clients find eligible properties quickly.
  • Look for single-unit approvals if your ideal unit is in an unapproved complex, as individual units might still qualify for financing under certain conditions.
  • Work with a HUD consultant or an FHA-approved lender who can guide you through identifying eligible condominium communities and understanding the loan requirements involved.
  • Keep an eye on recent sales within a condo community. Frequent sales to FHA borrowers may indicate that it’s likely approved or meets necessary criteria for approval.

FHA condo approval: Loan requirements

If you’re aiming for FHA condo approval, understanding the loan requirements is crucial. You’ll need a credit score of at least 500 to qualify. However, achieving a score of 580 or higher opens the door to a lower down payment – just 3.5% of the purchase price.

Your debt-to-income ratio also comes into play; it helps lenders determine if you can comfortably manage your monthly payments alongside any existing debts.

Make sure your chosen condo meets all FHA guidelines and that an independent appraiser has certified its value to be at least 70% of the asking price, safeguarding your investment.

Keep in mind that condos must get recertified every three years under HUD’s strict criteria, which includes scrutiny of financial health, necessary insurance coverages, and overall adherence to FHA protocols.

This diligence ensures both lenders and buyers are protected in what is often one of life’s most significant investments.

Getting an FHA condo approval

After understanding the loan requirements, let’s explore the process of obtaining an FHA condo approval. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Start by identifying FHA-approved condos in your desired area using the official HUD website or connecting with a real estate agent who is familiar with FHA-approved properties.
  2. Determine if the condo meets your financial needs and lifestyle considerations, ensuring it aligns with your long-term housing goals and preferences.
  3. Once you have found a suitable FHA-approved condo, work with a lender experienced in FHA loans to begin the application and approval process.
  4. Prepare all necessary documentation, including proof of income, tax returns, employment history, bank statements, and any additional requested materials for the loan application.
  5. Stay informed about potential recertification requirements to ensure ongoing eligibility for FHA financing, considering the three-year recertification cycle for approved condos.

Pros and cons of FHA condo approval

When considering FHA condo approval, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. Pros include flexible terms, affordability, and an additional path to homeownership. However, it’s crucial to consider factors such as mortgage insurance requirements, recertification processes, and limited unit availability before making a decision.

Pro #1: Flexible terms

FHA-approved condos offer flexible terms, making it easier for homebuyers to secure financing. With lower down payment requirements and less stringent credit score standards, FHA loans provide more accessible options for purchasing a condo.

This flexibility can be particularly beneficial for first-time buyers or those with limited resources, allowing them to enter the housing market without facing prohibitive barriers.

Moreover, FHA loans often feature competitive interest rates and allow sellers to contribute towards the closing costs. These advantages enhance the affordability of homeownership and enable individuals to find suitable housing solutions that align with their financial capabilities.

Pro #2: Affordability

FHA-approved condos offer affordability, making homeownership more accessible. With a down payment as low as 3.5% of the purchase price, these units reduce the barrier to entry for first-time buyers and those with limited funds.

Furthermore, the FHA credit score requirement of 500 provides an opportunity for individuals with lower credit scores to qualify for financing, offering a pathway to owning a home that may otherwise be unattainable.

Buyers seeking FHA-approved condos benefit from reduced financial strain and greater accessibility due to the lower down payment requirements and less stringent credit score specifications.

Pro #3: Another option to become a homeowner

Additionally, FHA condo approval offers another option for you to become a homeowner. If you are unable to qualify for conventional financing or find it challenging to meet the down payment requirements, an FHA-approved condo provides an alternative path to homeownership.

With lower credit score and down payment requirements compared to traditional mortgages, this option broadens your opportunities for purchasing a property that meets your needs while fulfilling your homeownership dsires.

Con #1: You need mortgage insurance

Private mortgage insurance is a mandatory requirement for FHA-approved condos, adding an additional cost to your homeownership. This insurance protects the lender in case of default, allowing them to offer lower down payments but increasing your monthly expenses.

Your 3.5% minimum down payment must be accompanied by mortgage insurance premiums, which can add significant costs over time. It’s crucial to factor in these ongoing expenses when considering FHA condo approval as it impacts your long-term financial commitment.

Con #2: Recertification can take a lot of time

Recertification for FHA-approved condos can be time-consuming, as the process involves re-evaluating a wide range of criteria to ensure ongoing compliance with FHA standards. The stringent requirements include financial stability, insurance coverage, adherence to FHA guidelines, and ensuring that the properties are marketable.

This extensive review process can be an inconvenience for homeowners and potential buyers looking to secure financing or sell their property.

Navigating the recertification process may seem daunting, but being aware of these requirements can help you plan ahead and strategize accordingly when it comes time for recertification.

Con #3: There’s a limited amount of units

FHA-approved condos may have a restricted number of units available for financing, limiting your choices when it comes to finding a suitable property. This constraint can significantly narrow down your options and potentially make it more challenging to find a condo that meets your specific needs and preferences.

Limited unit availability in FHA-approved condos can be particularly restrictive for buyers seeking properties in sought-after locations or within certain budget ranges.

Keep in mind that the limited amount of units in FHA-approved condos could impact your ability to secure financing for the ideal property you have in mind. It’s crucial to carefully consider this factor before committing to the FHA condo approval process and explore alternative options if flexibility in choosing from a wide range of properties is essential for you.

FHA condo approval: FAQs

What credit score do I need for an FHA loan? How can I improve my credit? What do I need to know about private mortgage insurance? Find out more about these frequently asked questions and get the answers you need to make informed decisions.

What credit score do I need for an FHA loan?

FHA loan credit score requirements vary, but a minimum of 500 is typically necessary to secure financing. Keep in mind that with a lower credit score, you might need to make a larger down payment.

However, aiming for a higher credit score can improve your chances of getting approved and may result in more favorable loan terms.

Understanding the credit score needed for an FHA loan empowers you to take proactive steps toward improving your financial standing and securing the home you desire. Moving on from the specifics of credit scores, let’s delve into practical ways to boost your creditworthiness before applying for an FHA loan.

How can I improve my credit?

To improve your credit, start by paying your bills on time and in full each month. This will demonstrate responsible financial behavior to lenders and positively impact your credit score over time.

Next, aim to reduce the amount of debt you owe by making regular payments and avoiding maxing out credit cards. Keep a close eye on your credit report for any errors or inaccuracies that could be dragging down your score, and dispute any discrepancies with the credit reporting agencies.

Additionally, consider keeping older accounts open to show a longer credit history, which can also boost your score. Finally, avoid opening multiple new accounts at once as this can lower the average age of your accounts and may be seen as risky by lenders.

What do I need to know about private mortgage insurance?

Private mortgage insurance (PMI) is a requirement for FHA loans when your down payment is less than 20% of the home’s purchase price. It protects the lender in case you default on your loan, allowing them to recoup their investment.

PMI can increase your monthly expenses, typically adding 0.3% to 1.5% of the original loan amount each year. However, it enables you to secure a mortgage with a lower down payment, making homeownership more accessible.

Understanding how private mortgage insurance impacts your overall housing costs and factoring it into your budget is crucial when considering an FHA loan with a smaller down payment.

Conclusion: Is an FHA condo approval right for you?

Is FHA condo approval the right choice for you? Consider its flexible terms and affordability. Like any other path to homeownership, it has pros and cons. 

With so much at stake, this isn’t a decision you should make on your own.

Schedule a free consultation with a mortgage broker today to see if FHA-approved condos make sense for you.


The content provided on this website is offered for educational purposes only. While we endeavor to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the content for any purpose. Visitors are advised to consult with qualified experts before making any financial decisions or taking any actions based on the information provided on this website.

1st Time Homebuyer Downpayment Guides Mortgage Real Estate

7 Tips On How To Buy With No Money

If you’re wondering how to buy a house with no money, you’ve come to the right place.

While it’s certainly easier to begin your journey as a first-time homebuyer when you have wads of cash on hand, a low bank account balance won’t necessarily prevent you from achieving your homeownership dreams.

If you’re looking to buy a house with no money, there’s no easy way to say it: You’re facing an uphill battle. But the good news is that, with the right approach and a little bit of creative thinking, you may be able to call yourself a legit homeowner before you know it.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at seven tips you can use to buy a house with no money.

1. Save aggressively

Even if you were able to somehow procure a home for $0, you’ll still need money to pay your bills and living expenses once you become a homeowner. So, the first step in buying a house with no money is to change your spending habits and start saving aggressively.

Saving aggressively is a proactive financial strategy that requires a disciplined, determined approach to building up a stockpile of cash. Whether you’re aiming to save up for a down payment, build up an emergency fund, or set aside cash for long-term investments, saving aggressively is all about maximizing your cash reserves.

Start by cutting unnecessary expenses from your budget. Maybe you spend too much money at restaurants and bars, maybe you buy too many new clothes, or maybe you subscribe to 17 streaming services and only watch three. By adopting a frugal lifestyle, you can redirect all of the money you keep to savings — accelerating your journey to homeownership. 

If this tactic sounds appealing to you, set clear financial goals and timelines. Doing so helps you maintain focus and motivation. Worried you might be tempted to splurge every now and again? Use technology to set money aside automatically, with no effort on your end required.

While it may take time to adjust to your new lifestyle, becoming a shrewd saver will pay dividends over your life. Not only will it help you become a homeowner, it can also help you take control of your financial future and achieve your long-term goals.

2. Pick up a side hustle

If you’re looking to buy a house but don’t have money, it might be time to pick up a side hustle and earn some extra cash outside of work.

Feeling bummed about the prospect of having to work multiple jobs? Don’t be. According to a recent study, 61% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. So, if you’re struggling to save up for a down payment to buy your first home, take comfort in the fact that you’re not alone.

In today’s economic climate, some 50% of Americans have a side hustle. If the money you’re earning from your full-time gig isn’t enough to help you achieve your long-term financial goals, it may very well be time for you to pick up a side hustle of your own.

No matter your skills and interests, there’s an endless amount of side hustles to explore. You can drive for Uber, bartend, caddy, pick up freelance work on the side, walk dogs, or even launch your own small business.

Whatever you decide, a side hustle gives you an additional revenue stream, enhancing your financial stability and resilience. And the best part? Side hustles tend to be incredibly flexible, so you should be able to adapt the new gig to your schedule and work when it’s most convenient.

Beyond financial gains, side hustles also help you foster personal growth, expand your professional networks, and could even serve as a stepping stone toward a full-time venture. 

In today’s digital age, there’s no shortage of ways to make money online. That being the case, picking up a side hustle isn’t just about earning extra income. It’s an empowering journey of self-discovery that can lead to a more robust, fulfilling career path — not to mention the keys to your first house.

3. Study government assistance programs

Exploring government assistance programs is a key step when it comes to trying to secure a home without upfront capital. 

Truth be told, there are a number of programs available for first-time homebuyers. Often, they come in the form of down payment assistance, grants, or low-interest loans. In some scenarios, you may be able to secure loans from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) or the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), which are earmarked for borrowers who meet specific eligibility requirements (e.g., those who’ve served in the military). At the same time, you may qualify for an FHA loan and even potentially be able to finance FHA loan closing costs. 

FHA form

In addition to looking at programs at the federal level, you should also explore local and state-level assistance programs, too. For example, Pennsylvania offers several first-time homebuyers grants which can make it even easier to move into a house in the Keystone State with no money.

No matter which option makes sense for your unique circumstances, it’s important to understand the intricacies of these types of programs. Not only does this help open doors to homeownership, it also underscores the importance of leveraging available financial tools to make the dream of owning a home become reality.

4. Consider rent-to-own agreements

By blending the flexibility of renting with the potential for eventual ownership, rent-to-own agreements provide a unique pathway to homeownership. In these arrangements, tenants have the option to purchase a property they rent after a set period of time. 

While living in the house as a tenant in such an agreement, a portion of the rent you pay contributes to the property’s future purchase. This option can be particularly appealing if you’re having a hard time securing a traditional mortgage or stockpiling a substantial down payment.

Rent-to-own agreements help would-be homeowners dip their toes in the proverbial waters of homeownership while living at the property. Not only do these agreements help renters build equity over time, they also provide the opportunity to assess the property and the surrounding neighborhood before making a purchase decision. 

On the flip side, rent-to-own agreements also allow landlords to lock down tenants who have a vested interest in maintaining the property, helping them protect their own investments, too.  

5. Negotiate with the seller

Mastering the art of negotiation can help you move into a new home even if you have limited funds. With sharp negotiation skills, you can explore several different avenues to make purchases feasible — from negotiating a lower sale price to offering services in exchange for cash to proposing creative financing solutions.

If you’re keen on exploring this route, expressing genuine interest, conducting thorough research on property values, and understanding the seller’s motivations for letting go of their property can strengthen your negotiating position.

For example, if you know that the seller is sentimental about their house and is most interested in ensuring that the next owner takes care of the property, use that to your advantage during negotiations. By singing the house’s praises, you may be able to secure the house via an alternate arrangement — like a reduced down payment or seller financing, where the seller serves as the lender, and you as the buyer pay monthly installments to them instead of a bank.

While not every seller will be interested in exploring this pathway, you may be able to reach a mutually beneficial agreement by going this route. If you choose to roll the dice, be patient, think strategically, and be willing to compromise. With the right strategy, you may be able to transform a seemingly challenging situation into a golden opportunity for those looking to acquire a home without a substantial upfront investment.

6. Take on the seller’s mortgage

Don’t have much cash and worried that you can’t secure a mortgage on your own? You may want to look into taking on the seller’s mortgage after spotting a dream property.

Under such arrangements, you can simply take over the seller’s mortgage instead of applying for a new loan on your own. While this approach doesn’t require a substantial upfront payment, it does require the seller’s willingness to transfer the mortgage.

If you opt for this method, be sure to carefully review the terms of the existing mortgage — including interest rates, repayment schedules, and any potential penalties. If you like what you see, you’ll need to negotiate with the seller to determine a fair, mutually beneficial agreement.

If you’re wondering how to buy a house with no money, taking over the seller’s mortgage can be advantageous. Even so, it requires you to do due diligence so you can have a clear understanding of the financial responsibilities involved should the seller agree to pursue this avenue with you.

home finance calculator

7. Pool resources with family and friends

Just because you don’t have a lot of cash doesn’t mean your family and friends won’t want to chip in to help you achieve your homeownership dreams. By combining financial contributions from multiple parties, you can create a fund that eventually adds up to a down payment. Not only does this ease the financial commitment of each participant, it also strengthens the sense of community and shared responsibility among those who choose to participate.

By leveraging the financial strength of a group, you may be able to raise enough money for a down payment, closing costs, and even secure a mortgage. It’s up to you to determine whether you need to pay back the folks who lend you money — or whether they are perfectly happy to help you become a homeowner with no strings attached.

How to buy a house with no money: FAQs

1. Can you really buy a house with no money down?

Yes, it’s possible to buy a house without a traditional down payment. You just need to get creative. Explore government assistance programs, seller financing, or collaborative options like pooling money with family and friends. With the right approach, you may be able to end up buying a home even if you don’t have any cash stockpiled.

2. What government assistance programs are available for first-time homebuyers?

Government agencies at the federal, state, and even local level offer several programs that support first-time homebuyers. As you begin searching for creative financing solutions, look into products like FHA loans, VA loans, and USDA loans, all of which are available through the federal government. You’ll also want to explore state- and local-level assistance programs that are specific to geographic areas.

3. How does seller financing work and is it really a viable option for me?

Seller financing is a creative financing approach where the seller acts as the lender, letting the buyer make payments over time. To pursue this option, the seller first has to agree. Assuming they do, you’ll have to negotiate key terms like interest rates and repayment schedules. While this is an unconventional way to secure a property, it can be a viable option if you don’t have any cash and can’t get a mortgage.

Ready to buy a house with no money? Talk to an expert

Regardless of how much cash you have, buying a house is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. The good news is that it’s one you don’t have to make entirely on your own.

When you’re ready to take the next step in your homeownership journey, talk to a broker who can help you explore all available financing options. 

By partnering with the right expert, you’ll end up in the home of your dreams before you know it.

What are you waiting for? Schedule a free consultation today!


The content provided on this website is offered for educational purposes only. While we endeavor to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the content for any purpose. Visitors are advised to consult with qualified experts before making any financial decisions or taking any actions based on the information provided on this website.

1st Time Homebuyer Homeowner Real Estate Tips

Condo vs House: Which Home Is Right for You?

Deciding between buying a condo or a house is like choosing the backdrop for your life’s next chapter. 

Would you rather end up the main character in a story of lower initial costs as a condo owner or a story of more privacy and space as a homeowner?

If you’re thinking about buying a condo or a house but can’t make a decision, you’re in the right place. In this guide, we examine the benefits and drawbacks of each, helping you pinpoint the property that fits your lifestyle best.

Let’s dive in and help you find your perfect home.

Key Takeaways

  • Condos typically have a lower purchase price than houses, making them ideal for first-time homebuyers or those with smaller budgets.
  • Houses offer more privacy and space but come with greater responsibilities like maintenance and higher insurance costs.
  • Amenities such as pools and gyms are common in condos whereas houses provide the freedom to personalize your property without HOA restrictions.
  • While condos can be easier to maintain due to HOA involvement, they also come with monthly fees that contribute to overall costs.
  • When considering resale value, houses may appreciate more over time because they include land ownership.

What is the difference between a condo and a house?

When comparing condos and houses, there are several key differences to consider, including cost, insurance, maintenance responsibilities, available amenities, location options, neighbors, HOA rules, and selling considerations.

Each option has its unique advantages and drawbacks that cater to different lifestyles and preferences.


Buying a condo might be the smart move if you’re eyeing affordability. Typically, condos sport lower price tags than their single-family home counterparts, making them an attractive choice for first-time buyers or those with smaller down payments.

Think of it as stepping into homeownership without the deep dive into your savings; condos often serve as a wallet-friendly starting point.

Consider that over time, though, owning a house could bring financial gains that make the initial investment worthwhile. Houses usually carry higher resale values because of the land they sit on. Generally speaking, they tend to appreciate more substantially over time compared to condos.


thinking about a home

Considering insurance for your condo or house is crucial. Owning a condo often means paying less for insurance compared to a standalone house. This is due to the fact that you’re not insuring the exterior or the land; that’s typically covered by the homeowners’ association (HOA).

You’ll just need to protect your unit’s interior and personal possessions.

However, if you opt for a house, expect the insurance cost to be higher since you’re covering everything — the building itself and the land it sits on. But with greater coverage comes greater responsibility; you must also consider additional policies like flood or earthquake insurance depending on your location, which can add up. 

Plus, if you’re unable to come up with a down payment of at least 20%, you may be on the hook for private mortgage insurance, too.

Either way, insuring your home means peace of mind knowing that both structure and contents have protection against unexpected events.


Owning a condo typically means you’ll have fewer maintenance responsibilities than with a house. The homeowners’ association (HOA) often handles exterior upkeep, which can include everything from mowing the lawn to fixing the roof.

This convenience is ideal for those who prefer not to deal with time-consuming yard work or unexpected repairs. However, you do pay a monthly fee for these services, so it’s important to factor this into your budget.

With houses, all maintenance falls squarely on your shoulders. You’re in charge of every aspect of upkeeping your property — from painting walls to replacing broken appliances and managing landscaping tasks.

This gives you more control over how things are done but requires either personal effort or the cost of hiring professionals. Owning a house requires you to be ready to handle anything that comes up, whether it’s a leaking faucet or a full-scale renovation project.


Condos typically come with a range of amenities that cater to various lifestyles — like fitness centers, swimming pools, and community spaces. These facilities can add value to your living experience without the hassle of maintenance.

Also, condos often offer services like landscaping and security, saving you time and effort on these fronts.

On the other hand, single-family houses may not have shared amenities, but they do provide more privacy and personal space. You have the freedom to customize your property according to your preferences without needing approval from a homeowners association (HOA).


When it comes to the location, it’s essential to consider your lifestyle and preferences. Condos are often situated in urban or suburban areas with easy access to public transportation, amenities, and entertainment options. They can be ideal for individuals who seek a vibrant community with convenience at their doorstep. 

On the other hand, houses are commonly found in more secluded or family-oriented neighborhoods, offering larger lots and privacy.

The choice between a condo and a house also depends on proximity to work, schools, and recreational areas that align with your daily routine.

For homeowners who value walkability or prefer an active social scene nearby, condos nestled in bustling city centers may provide the perfect setting. Meanwhile, those seeking a quieter environment or spacious outdoor living spaces might find that houses in suburban or rural locations suit their needs better.


Living in a condo means being close your neighbors. You might share walls, floors, or ceilings with other residents, resulting in more frequent interactions. This setup can lead to a sense of community and potentially less privacy than living in a single-family house.

However, it also provides the opportunity to meet new people and build relationships with those nearby.

Most condos have communal areas such as lobbies, hallways, and elevators where you are likely to run into your neighbors regularly. It’s essential to consider whether this social aspect aligns with your lifestyle before deciding between a condo and a house.

Additionally, factors like noise levels from neighboring units should be considered when choosing the type of property that best suits your preferences.

HOA rules

After discussing the impact of neighbors on your living situation, it’s essential to consider the rules and regulations set by the homeowners’ association (HOA) in a condo or housing community.

HOA rules dictate what homeowners can and cannot do with their properties, as well as outline standards for maintenance and appearance. This includes guidelines for exterior modifications, noise levels, pet ownership, parking regulations, landscaping requirements, and even restrictions on renting out your home.

What’s more, HOA rules also typically involve monthly or annual fees that cover shared expenses such as landscaping, amenities upkeep (pools, gyms), security services (gated communities), and insurance on common areas or structures. Altogether, this provides benefits but adds financial obligations to residents.


real estate agency showing

After considering the HOA rules, it’s essential to understand the selling process for condos and houses. When you decide to sell your condo, you must take into account any restrictions outlined in the community’s bylaws that may affect the sale.

Additionally, factors such as association fees and special assessments can influence a potential buyer’s decision. On the other hand, selling a house involves showcasing its features like outdoor space and privacy.

Marketing a house typically involves highlighting its unique characteristics such as yard size, location, schools, or local amenities.

Selling a condo may require approval from the homeowners’ association (HOA), which can add an extra layer of complexity to the process. Potential buyers will also consider factors such as shared facilities and common areas when deciding whether to make an offer.

Who should buy a condo?

First-time homebuyers with limited down payment can consider buying a condo, as they generally come with a lower price tag compared to single-family homes. If you prefer a low-maintenance lifestyle and community amenities without the hassle of exterior upkeep, then a condo might be suitable for you.

Another reason to opt for a condo is if you desire more independence than being a renter but not as much responsibility as owning a house. Condos are also an ideal option for individuals looking for starter homes that offer greater affordability.

If you want homeownership without the burden of regular maintenance and enjoy living in urban or desirable locations, purchasing a condo could be the right choice.

Who should buy a house?

Prospective homeowners who value privacy, space, and independence should consider buying a house. Houses offer the freedom to personalize and expand living spaces without restrictions imposed by condo associations.

For those seeking outdoor areas like yards or gardens for recreational activities or gardening, a house provides enough land for those pursuits.

Potential homeowners interested in enjoying expansive living spaces and desiring autonomy over their property may prefer purchasing a house over a condo. The opportunity to customize landscaping, have larger living quarters, and build equity in real estate are huge factors that draw individuals toward buying a standalone home instead of a condominium.

What are the benefits of buying a condo vs house?

If you’re considering whether to buy a condo or a house, here are some key benefits of choosing a condominium over a single-family home:

  1. Lower initial cost. Condos typically come with lower price tags than single-family houses, making them an attractive option for first-time buyers or those looking to downsize.
  2. Maintenance-free living. Condo ownership often includes exterior maintenance and landscaping, relieving homeowners of these responsibilities. This can be particularly appealing for busy individuals or retirees.
  3. Amenities access. Many condos offer various amenities such as swimming pools, fitness centers, or community spaces that may not be practical in a single-family home due to space and cost considerations.
  4. Community living. Condos often provide a sense of community and shared responsibility amongst residents, fostering social connections and support networks.
  5. Location advantage. Condos are frequently located in urban areas or near popular attractions, offering convenient access to entertainment, dining, and public transportation.

FAQs: Condo vs house

What are the pros and cons of buying a house?

Buying a house comes with several advantages and disadvantages that you should consider before making a decision. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Greater privacy and independence. With a house, you have more privacy and independence compared to living in a condo. You don’t have shared walls or common areas, giving you a sense of ownership over your space.
  2. More space. Houses are typically larger than condos, providing more room for your family and belongings. You also have the option to expand or renovate based on your needs.
  3. Higher costs. Owning a house usually involves higher upfront costs, including larger down payments, property taxes, insurance, and maintenance expenses.
  4. Maintenance responsibility. As a homeowner, you’re responsible for all maintenance and repairs for your property, from fixing the roof to landscaping the yard.
  5. Potential for appreciation. Unlike condos, houses include the land they rest on, which may appreciate over time and increase the overall value of your property.
  6. Customization options. With a house, you have the freedom to customize and personalize both the interior and exterior according to your preferences without needing approval from an association.
  7. Location flexibility. Houses are often available in diverse neighborhoods ranging from urban areas to suburban communities offering different lifestyle options.
  8. Longer commute time. Depending on location choice, living in a house can result in longer commutes compared to condos located in urban centers with easier access to public transportation or amenities.
  9. Limited amenities. While some single-family homes come with impressive amenities like swimming pools or spacious yards, they may lack the extensive facilities offered by many condo communities.

What are the pros and cons of buying a condo?

Looking to buy a condo? Here are the pros and cons to consider:


  1. Lower maintenance. Enjoy the convenience of minimal exterior maintenance, as many condo associations handle upkeep.
  2. Amenities access. Condos often feature on-site amenities like gyms, pools, and communal spaces for residents’ use.
  3. Affordability. Generally, condos come with a lower price tag than single-family houses, making them an attractive option for first-time buyers.
  4. Location benefits. Condos are commonly situated in urban or desirable locations, providing convenient access to city life and entertainment.


  1. HOA fees. Homeowners association fees can increase your monthly expenses and may have special assessment fees for unexpected repairs.
  2. Less privacy. Close proximity to neighbors means less privacy compared to owning a standalone house.
  3. Resale value. Historically, condos appreciate in value at a slower rate than single-family homes due to market factors such as oversupply in some areas.
  4. Limited customization. Restrictions on structural changes or major renovations may limit customization options within a condo unit.

Which is cheaper to buy: a condo or a house?

Buying a condo is generally cheaper than buying a house upfront. Condos often come with lower price tags and can be an affordable option, especially for first-time homebuyers with limited down payments.

Condos are usually less expensive because you’re purchasing the unit rather than the land it sits on. Thus, if budget is your primary concern, a condo may offer a more cost-effective entry into homeownership compared to owning a single-family house.

Which is easier to sell: a condo or a house?

Selling a condo is often easier than selling a house. Condos are attractive to first-time buyers, making the market for condos consistently strong. Additionally, their lower maintenance needs and generally affordable price points increase their appeal to potential buyers looking for an easy entry into homeownership.

Buyers who seek convenience and amenities associated with condo living find them more accessible compared to buying a traditional home. Unlike houses that require upkeep of exterior areas like lawns, condominium associations handle these responsibilities, making condos suitable for busy individuals or those seeking a low-maintenance lifestyle.

1st Time Homebuyer Downpayment Guides Real Estate

How to Buy a House with No Money: 7 Tips

If you’re wondering how to buy a house with no money, you’ve come to the right place.

While it’s certainly easier to begin your journey as a first-time homebuyer when you have wads of cash on hand, a low bank account balance won’t necessarily prevent you from achieving your homeownership dreams.

If you’re looking to buy a house with no money, there’s no easy way to say it: You’re facing an uphill battle. But the good news is that, with the right approach and a little bit of creative thinking, you may be able to call yourself a legit homeowner before you know it.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at seven tips you can use to buy a house with no money.

1. Save aggressively

Even if you were able to somehow procure a home for $0, you’ll still need money to pay your bills and living expenses once you become a homeowner. So, the first step in buying a house with no money is to change your spending habits and start saving aggressively.

Saving aggressively is a proactive financial strategy that requires a disciplined, determined approach to building up a stockpile of cash. Whether you’re aiming to save up for a down payment, build up an emergency fund, or set aside cash for long-term investments, saving aggressively is all about maximizing your cash reserves.

Start by cutting unnecessary expenses from your budget. Maybe you spend too much money at restaurants and bars, maybe you buy too many new clothes, or maybe you subscribe to 17 streaming services and only watch three. By adopting a frugal lifestyle, you can redirect all of the money you keep to savings — accelerating your journey to homeownership. 

If this tactic sounds appealing to you, set clear financial goals and timelines. Doing so helps you maintain focus and motivation. Worried you might be tempted to splurge every now and again? Use technology to set money aside automatically, with no effort on your end required.

While it may take time to adjust to your new lifestyle, becoming a shrewd saver will pay dividends over your life. Not only will it help you become a homeowner, it can also help you take control of your financial future and achieve your long-term goals.

2. Pick up a side hustle

If you’re looking to buy a house but don’t have money, it might be time to pick up a side hustle and earn some extra cash outside of work.

Feeling bummed about the prospect of having to work multiple jobs? Don’t be. According to a recent study, 61% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. So, if you’re struggling to save up for a down payment to buy your first home, take comfort in the fact that you’re not alone.

In today’s economic climate, some 50% of Americans have a side hustle. If the money you’re earning from your full-time gig isn’t enough to help you achieve your long-term financial goals, it may very well be time for you to pick up a side hustle of your own.

No matter your skills and interests, there’s an endless amount of side hustles to explore. You can drive for Uber, bartend, caddy, pick up freelance work on the side, walk dogs, or even launch your own small business.

Whatever you decide, a side hustle gives you an additional revenue stream, enhancing your financial stability and resilience. And the best part? Side hustles tend to be incredibly flexible, so you should be able to adapt the new gig to your schedule and work when it’s most convenient.

Beyond financial gains, side hustles also help you foster personal growth, expand your professional networks, and could even serve as a stepping stone toward a full-time venture. 

In today’s digital age, there’s no shortage of ways to make money online. That being the case, picking up a side hustle isn’t just about earning extra income. It’s an empowering journey of self-discovery that can lead to a more robust, fulfilling career path — not to mention the keys to your first house.

3. Study government assistance programs

Exploring government assistance programs is a key step when it comes to trying to secure a home without upfront capital. 

Truth be told, there are a number of programs available for first-time homebuyers. Often, they come in the form of down payment assistance, grants, or low-interest loans. In some scenarios, you may be able to secure loans from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) or the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), which are earmarked for borrowers who meet specific eligibility requirements (e.g., those who’ve served in the military). At the same time, you may qualify for an FHA loan and even potentially be able to finance FHA loan closing costs. 

In addition to looking at programs at the federal level, you should also explore local and state-level assistance programs, too. For example, Pennsylvania offers several first-time homebuyers grants which can make it even easier to move into a house in the Keystone State with no money.

No matter which option makes sense for your unique circumstances, it’s important to understand the intricacies of these types of programs. Not only does this help open doors to homeownership, it also underscores the importance of leveraging available financial tools to make the dream of owning a home become reality.

4. Consider rent-to-own agreements

By blending the flexibility of renting with the potential for eventual ownership, rent-to-own agreements provide a unique pathway to homeownership. In these arrangements, tenants have the option to purchase a property they rent after a set period of time. 

While living in the house as a tenant in such an agreement, a portion of the rent you pay contributes to the property’s future purchase. This option can be particularly appealing if you’re having a hard time securing a traditional mortgage or stockpiling a substantial down payment.

Rent-to-own agreements help would-be homeowners dip their toes in the proverbial waters of homeownership while living at the property. Not only do these agreements help renters build equity over time, they also provide the opportunity to assess the property and the surrounding neighborhood before making a purchase decision. 

On the flip side, rent-to-own agreements also allow landlords to lock down tenants who have a vested interest in maintaining the property, helping them protect their own investments, too.  

5. Negotiate with the seller

Mastering the art of negotiation can help you move into a new home even if you have limited funds. With sharp negotiation skills, you can explore several different avenues to make purchases feasible — from negotiating a lower sale price to offering services in exchange for cash to proposing creative financing solutions.

If you’re keen on exploring this route, expressing genuine interest, conducting thorough research on property values, and understanding the seller’s motivations for letting go of their property can strengthen your negotiating position.

For example, if you know that the seller is sentimental about their house and is most interested in ensuring that the next owner takes care of the property, use that to your advantage during negotiations. By singing the house’s praises, you may be able to secure the house via an alternate arrangement — like a reduced down payment or seller financing, where the seller serves as the lender, and you as the buyer pay monthly installments to them instead of a bank.

While not every seller will be interested in exploring this pathway, you may be able to reach a mutually beneficial agreement by going this route. If you choose to roll the dice, be patient, think strategically, and be willing to compromise. With the right strategy, you may be able to transform a seemingly challenging situation into a golden opportunity for those looking to acquire a home without a substantial upfront investment.

6. Take on the seller’s mortgage

Don’t have much cash and worried that you can’t secure a mortgage on your own? You may want to look into taking on the seller’s mortgage after spotting a dream property.

Under such arrangements, you can simply take over the seller’s mortgage instead of applying for a new loan on your own. While this approach doesn’t require a substantial upfront payment, it does require the seller’s willingness to transfer the mortgage.

When you opt for this method, be sure to carefully review the terms of the existing mortgage — including interest rates, repayment schedules, and any potential penalties. If you like what you see, you’ll need to negotiate with the seller to determine a fair, mutually beneficial agreement.

If you’re wondering how to buy a house with no money, taking over the seller’s mortgage can be advantageous. Even so, it requires you to do due diligence so you can have a clear understanding of the financial responsibilities involved should the seller agree to pursue this avenue with you.

7. Pool resources with family and friends

Just because you don’t have a lot of cash doesn’t mean your family and friends won’t want to chip in to help you achieve your homeownership dreams. By combining financial contributions from multiple parties, you can create a fund that eventually adds up to a down payment. Not only does this ease the financial commitment of each participant, it also strengthens the sense of community and shared responsibility among those who choose to participate.

By leveraging the financial strength of a group, you may be able to raise enough money for a down payment, closing costs, and even secure a mortgage. It’s up to you to determine whether you need to pay back the folks who lend you money — or whether they are perfectly happy to help you become a homeowner with no strings attached.

How to buy a house with no money: FAQs

1. Can you really buy a house with no money down?

Yes, it’s possible to buy a house without a traditional down payment. You just need to get creative. Explore government assistance programs, seller financing, or collaborative options like pooling money with family and friends. With the right approach, you may be able to end up buying a home even if you don’t have any cash stockpiled.

2. What government assistance programs are available for first-time homebuyers?

Government agencies at the federal, state, and even local level offer several programs that support first-time homebuyers. As you begin searching for creative financing solutions, look into products like FHA loans, VA loans, and USDA loans, all of which are available through the federal government. You’ll also want to explore state- and local-level assistance programs that are specific to geographic areas.

3. How does seller financing work and is it really a viable option for me?

Seller financing is a creative financing approach where the seller acts as the lender, letting the buyer make payments over time. To pursue this option, the seller first has to agree. Assuming they do, you’ll have to negotiate key terms like interest rates and repayment schedules. While this is an unconventional way to secure a property, it can be a viable option if you don’t have any cash and can’t get a mortgage.

Ready to buy a house with no money? Talk to an expert

Regardless of how much cash you have, buying a house is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. The good news is that it’s one you don’t have to make entirely on your own.

When you’re ready to take the next step in your homeownership journey, talk to a broker who can help you explore all available financing options. 

By partnering with the right expert, you’ll end up in the home of your dreams before you know it.
What are you waiting for? Schedule a free consultation today!

1st Time Homebuyer Guides Real Estate

First-Time Homebuyer CT: Common Mistakes to Avoid

So you’re thinking about becoming a first-time homebuyer in CT? Congratulations! The Nutmeg State is a great place to call home, with proximity to Boston, New York City, and Providence, Rhode Island, and more than 600 miles of its coastline hugging the Long Island Sound. 

While the wooded state is beautiful and filled with tons of stuff to do, Connecticut happens to be one of the more expensive places to live in the United States. In fact, one recent study found that the cost of living is 16% higher in Connecticut than the national average.

That being the case, it’s critical to do your due diligence and make sure you understand exactly what you’re getting into before buying a property in Connecticut. By making a smart homebuying decision, you can increase the chances you not only end up with a house to live in but also a lucrative investment that accelerates your journey to financial freedom.

This might be your first time buying a home, but countless people have been in your position before. Keep reading to learn how to avoid the mistakes they made and increase the chances you end up in your dream home before you know it.

Mistakes first-time homebuyers in CT must avoid

Mistake #1: Not doing enough research

The biggest error first-time homebuyers in Connecticut make is failing to research the market, neighborhood dynamics, and their mortgage options thoroughly. Unfortunately, this can cause homebuyers to make uninformed decisions with long-term consequences.

Avoid this fate by dedicating yourself to learning the intricacies of the homebuying process and ensuring you’re well-versed in current market conditions. The more research you do, the smarter you become on your journey to homeownership. By spending the time necessary to thoroughly research your options, it’s that much easier to make smart investment decisions and ultimately secure a home that aligns with your immediate needs and long-term goals.

Mistake #2: Overlooking budgetary constraints

Going into the homebuying process without knowing exactly how much house you can afford is a critical misstep. When you fail to establish a realistic budget, you can put yourself under tremendous financial strains as unforeseen expenses — which are part and parcel of homeownership — rear their ugly heads.

Budget calculations for a first-time homebuyer in CT

Far too often, first-time homebuyers focus solely on a home’s purchase price without considering ongoing costs like maintenance, repairs, property taxes, insurance, and even closing costs. By acknowledging potential budget constraints upfront and working with a mortgage professional who can tell you exactly what you can afford, you can set the stage for a more sustainable, stress-free homeownership experience.

Worried you don’t have enough cash to buy the home of your dreams? Look into first-time homebuyer programs in Connecticut to see whether you qualify for assistance.

Mistake #3: Skipping the mortgage pre-approval process

Failing to get pre-approved for a mortgage before you start looking for properties in earnest makes the journey to homeownership harder than it needs to be. Skipping this step prevents you from truly understanding your borrowing capacity and being able to present a competitive offer. If you skip this step, you likely won’t be able to move quickly on a deal because you’ll have to secure financing. Depending on the seller’s personal circumstances, they may decide to work with another buyer who’s ready to move right away.

As a result, securing mortgage pre-approval is one of the first things you should do once you’re serious about becoming a first-time homebuyer in Connecticut.

Mistake #4: Neglecting a home inspection

When you’re splurging on your first property, you might not be eager to spend something like $1,000 or $1,500 on a home inspection. Unless you want to end up with a property that turns into a money pit, you absolutely need to hire a home inspector.

Think of a home inspection as insurance against making a terrible financial decision. Inspections are instrumental in uncovering potential issues that may not be apparent during a casual walkthrough of a property. From structural concerns to hidden defects, an inspection offers valuable insights into the property’s condition. By skipping this step, you can expose yourself to unforeseen repair costs, potential safety concerns, and even environmental mitigation expenses (e.g., in the event an underground oil tank leaked and polluted the property).

Bottom line? A comprehensive home inspection empowers you with knowledge, allowing you to make an informed decision, negotiate repairs, and — if necessary — rethink the investment altogether. 

Mistake #5: Not hiring a real estate agent

While you might be tempted to go into the homebuying process on your own, don’t. Joining forces with an experienced real estate agent gives you access to invaluable expertise and insights into the complex homebuying process, making your experience an easier one. The right agent will provide guidance on market trends, help you negotiate terms, and assist you with all the paperwork you’ll need to sign until you close. Plus, they’ll give you a heads-up on what you can expect during the process so there aren’t as many surprises.

Professional realtors advocate on your behalf, leveraging their knowledge to help you make the best deal possible. Their network and experience help streamline the process, too, helping you save more time while reducing stress.

Mistake #6: Underestimating additional costs

Yes, the purchase price of a home is very important. But there are so many other expenses that first-time homebuyers in Connecticut often overlook, like closing costs, home inspection fees, real estate attorney expenses, homeowners insurance, and — the big one — property taxes. There are other considerations, too, like increased spending on utilities, the need to maintain various systems (e.g., air-conditioning, water purification, and furnace), and all the costs associated with furniture and buying things for your new home.

Failure to account for these expenditures can lead to unanticipated financial burdens, potentially impacting the overall affordability of the home. Since the last thing you want is to move into a headache situation, it’s critical to understand all the costs you’ll be on the hook for and how much you can comfortably afford to spend each month on your home.

Mistake #7: Making a decision based on emotions

When you’re buying a home for the first time, you’ll obviously be emotional. Do everything you can to avoid making a decision based on those emotions.

Woman struggling emotionally

Emotional attachment can cloud judgment, leading to impulsive choices that may not align with your long-term goals. Falling in love with a property without evaluating its long-term suitability or overlooking flaws can result in buyer’s remorse. Since buying a home is one of the biggest financial commitments you’ll likely make, you must avoid this fate.

It’s essential to stay objective during the homebuying process, considering factors like location, future needs, and investment potential. By prioritizing practicality over sentiment, you can make an informed decision that aligns with immediate desires and long-term goals, ensuring a more successful and fulfilling homeownership experience.

Mistake #8: Ignoring the location

No matter where you ultimately end up, ignoring the neighborhood’s safety, amenities, and proximity to essential services is a mistake you must avoid. After all, these factors are critical when it comes to your quality of life and the property’s future resale potential. The last thing you want is to end up in a house only to find out the nearest supermarket is 75 minutes away, for example (unless you’re keen on living in super remote places, which is totally cool with us!).

As you continue moving through the homebuying process, evaluate the neighbor you’re considering before signing any contracts. Make sure the neighborhood aligns with your personal preferences and lifestyle needs. By picking a strategic location, you increase the chances you end up in a more enjoyable living situation. At the same time, the right location can also serve as a safeguard against potential market fluctuations. After all, everyone needs a place to live, and who doesn’t want to live close to the action?

Mistake #9: Falling in love with the first house you see

While initial impressions can be captivating, falling in love with the first home you see without exploring alternatives can lead to hasty decisions, missed opportunities, and regrets. That being the case, you need to resist the urge to settle prematurely. 

Instead, take your time and explore various options before pulling the trigger. By doing so, you can get a better understanding of the market and what your options are, enabling you to make an informed decision and end up with a property that aligns with your priorities.

Avoid acting on impulse! Be patient and increase the likelihood you find a home that not only captures your heart but also helps you meet your financial goals.

Mistake #10: Going into the process with poor credit

Since credit health directly influences things like mortgage rates and how much you’re able to borrow, you need to optimize your credit score before entering the homebuying process. The better your credit score is, the more favorable your loan terms will likely be. A solid credit history not only opens the doors to better mortgage rates but also strengthens your negotiating power. By addressing credit concerns early, you lay the foundation for a smoother, more financially advantageous path to homeownership. 

Need help repairing your credit? Check this out.

Mistake #11: Relying on a single mortgage quote

Since mortgage terms and rates vary across lenders, resist the temptation of accepting the first quote without shopping around. You never know when you might be able to get a slightly better deal from a different lender — and that deal could save you considerably over the life of the loan, particularly if you wind up with a 30-year mortgage.

For the best results, try to obtain quotes from a few different lenders to compare interest rates, closing costs, and overall loan terms. Not only does this help you land a cost-effective financing arrangement, it also helps you learn more about your options, enabling you to make a decision with confidence.

It’s time to become a first-time homebuyer in CT!

Ready to buy your first home in Connecticut? Kickstart the financing process by connecting with a mortgage expert today.


The content provided on this website is offered for educational purposes only. While we endeavor to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the content for any purpose. Visitors are advised to consult with qualified experts before making any financial decisions or taking any actions based on the information provided on this website.

1st Time Homebuyer Guides Homeowner Real Estate Tips

Evaluating School Districts before Moving: Do Your Homework

A Comprehensive Guide to Evaluating & Comparing School Districts

Clothing store jingles, parents and children stocking up on classroom supplies, traffic behind the yellow bus. These telltale signs can only mean one thing: back-to-school season is upon us once again. 

Moving to a new location can be an exciting yet daunting task — especially when you have children and their education to consider.

Surprisingly, many first-time homebuyers don’t realize that the quality of a school district and the efficiency with which it utilizes its resources affects homeowners of all ages and situations, regardless of their family composition.

As a new school year approaches, there’s no better time for first-time homebuyers to explore resources that can help evaluate and compare school districts.

In this post, we examine why first-time homebuyers should consider school district quality before making a home-buying decision, share resources available to aid in decision-making, and dive further into the factors to keep in mind as you narrow down options on the journey to homeownership.

Why school district quality matters for first-time homebuyers

Neighborhood school bus on its route

When school districts boast a superior reputation, it is no surprise they draw in families who seek a quality education for their children. Prudent first-time homebuyers also know that a school district with a long track of excellence will lead to an increase in their home value over time. 

Parents of school age children are typically in the middle of their productive working years and towards the beginning of paying off their mortgages, which increases the local tax revenue appropriated to school districts. With more resources available to a school district, it can hire better teachers and open more supplemental programs, thus creating a cycle of increasing desirability, competition, and in turn, property values. 

The most important factor to consider

In many ways, consideration of the local school district is one of the most important factors to consider when making what is often the largest one-time financial investment a person or family makes, the purchase of a home. Long after you buy a home and your children have grown up, a smart homeowner will monitor the health of their local school district because they know how critical it is to the quality of the surrounding neighborhood and their home’s value. 

It is important to balance factors discussed in this post with the tax rate of your potential home or neighborhood. While you can pay mortgage payments down over time and restructure your loans, local school district taxes are likely to rise over time. Research the annual history of school tax rate in the school district to get a sense of how much you can expect it to change each year. 

Financial implications aside, the quality of the school district plays a pivotal role in shaping children’s academic journey and overall development. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with insights and strategies to effectively evaluate and compare school districts while making an informed decision for you or your family’s future.

The 3 R’s: School Rankings, Ratings, and Resources

When considering prospective school districts, begin your evaluation by researching local school rankings and ratings through publicly available resources. Websites like use multiple factors and weightings to rank and rate schools such as SAT/ACT test scores, parent surveys, teacher salary, expenses per student, cultural diversity statistics, and availability of extracurricular clubs or sports. 

Other resources such as the U.S. News & National Report use similar factors, but may weigh the factors differently. 

For example, a district measures college readiness by the proportion of a school’s 12th graders who earn Advanced Placement credits or pass International Baccalaureate Exams. This score represents 30% of the overall rating for U.S. News & National Report, whereas uses several million parent, student, and teacher surveys to aggregate data on various factors and then assigns varying weights to the factors. is an example of a non-profit website that uses a similar methodology to, but values student progress as their top factor, and therefore assigns it the highest weight of all the contributing factors. The popular real estate website Zillow happens to pull its school rankings from 

All of these resources can provide a first-time homebuyer with a starting point in their quest for a school district. But you may need to do a little more homework to complete a comprehensive search. 

By understanding the factors that go into school ratings and rankings, first-time homebuyers can decide for themselves the most valuable features of a school district, depending on their individual scenarios. 

Next, we outline the most commonly used factors for rating school districts in more detail by explaining how to measure them, why they are important, and limitations for first-time homebuyers to consider.

Factors to consider when evaluating a school district

Ratings and rankings of school districts usually include several, if not all, of the factors below. However, no single media resource is likely to lead to the perfect match for a first-time homebuyer’s situation. To complete a comprehensive search, homebuyers should consider all of these factors and decide what is most important depending on their unique situation. 

1. Student performance

Happy student scores an A on latest exam

Far and away the number one factor used to rate schools is some measure of student performance, which can also take into account student progress and/or achievement, depending on the methodology. While folks often criticize standardized tests for their flaws, they are the most statistically sound measure available to compare student performance. 

Nationwide standardized tests such as the SATs and ACTs provide a measure of student achievement that administrators can use to compare performance within schools, across districts/regions, and even between states. 

Student performance is also measured using state testing data, often required for state diplomas. In many states, students demonstrate their mastery of curriculum through their performance on state tests, and teachers are graded on the performance of their students.

Another widely considered measure of student performance is local graduation rates. These statistics are accessible through the U.S. Department of Education’s website, as well as individual state education department websites. 

Although student performance is in some ways a catch-all for all other factors that lead to the outcomes on these tests, several other factors must be considered when evaluating and comparing school districts.

2. College and career readiness

When evaluating how a school district prepares students for life after school, the term college readiness often applies.

College readiness is typically measured by analyzing the number of college level/advanced placement courses available to students, participation rates within these courses, and outcomes on advanced placement tests. Local districts often highlight where their graduates will be attending college in May or June as high school seniors prepare to graduate.

A related factor to consider is career readiness. Recent initiatives, such as the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act of 2018 (Perkins V) have focused on closing the gap between what is learned in the academic classroom and how that is applied to solving real-word problems. 

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs provide high school students with vocational training in high-demand fields such as construction, automotive technology, information technology, healthcare, and cybersecurity. Oftentimes, students can leave high school with certifications and step right into their desired field. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) curriculums can prepare students from a young age to focus on problem-solving. 

Beyond career readiness programs such as CTE, districts may offer apprenticeship programs, work-based learning opportunities, and other partnerships with local businesses. Many districts highlight young alumni on their school websites and profile the work they are doing years after graduation.

3. Teacher and leadership quality 

Teacher quality is a complex and multifaceted concept that can be both controversial and challenging to measure accurately. You can use various methods and criteria to assess teacher quality, often taking into consideration both quantitative and qualitative factors. With this in mind, let’s take a look at some common ways to measure teacher quality.

One of the most direct ways to measure teacher quality is through classroom observations. Experienced mentors or administrators observe teachers in action to assess their instructional practices, classroom management, engagement with students, and ability to create an effective learning environment. 

Evaluating school districts before moving: Patient teacher helping his students in the classroom setting

A potential limitation of this method, however, is its inherent subjectiveness despite the efforts of educational researchers to employ rubrics and other measurement tools. 

Student performance

A more objective measure that is considered when measuring teacher quality, as previously discussed from a different perspective, is student performance on standardized tests and other assessments. Value-added models attempt to measure a teacher’s impact on student learning by comparing their students’ actual performance to expected performance based on various factors.

Qualifications such as degrees, certifications, and years of experience are sometimes used or factored into indicators of teacher quality. While they can be relevant and say something about the consistency of a school, they don’t always provide a complete picture of a teacher’s effectiveness in the classroom.

Professional development

The extent to which teachers engage in ongoing professional development and stay current with educational research and practices is often considered a sign of teacher quality. Most states and districts mandate some level of professional development engagement for teachers, typically with increased intensity in the beginning stages of a teachers’ career. Professional development plans are available on district websites and are often incorporated into publicly available district policies and teacher contracts. 

Surveys can be used to measure teacher quality, although they have the potential to run into the problem of subjectivity and bias depending on how questions are structured and who is completing the surveys. Surveys from students attempt to measure a teacher’s ability to engage, motivate, and support students. Peer surveys or assessments aim to provide insights into a teacher’s collaboration, teamwork, and contributions to the school community. Additionally, self-assessments can offer teachers the opportunity to reflect on their own practices and areas for improvement but are often not readily available to potential home-buyers.

The parents’ views

The views of parents, guardians, and other stakeholders within the school community can also contribute to the assessment of teacher quality. School board meetings are open to the public and first-time homebuyers can learn a lot about a school district’s culture by attending and participating in these meetings.

Tangential to teacher quality is the quality of strong building and district leadership. Some districts require prospective school administrators to hold doctorate degrees or advanced certifications and training. A potential homebuyer may want to inquire and explore the turnover rate for a district’s leadership team and compare it to other local districts. 

It’s important to note that no single measurement method can fully capture teacher or leadership quality. Often, graders use a combination of these methods to provide a more comprehensive assessment. Moreover, the context in which teachers work, the student population they serve, and the goals of the educational institution all play a role in determining how to evaluate teacher quality.

4. Facilities and resources

School taxes go largely towards a school’s budget and community members have the right to expect that the district uses funding to maintain facilities and keep up with technology within schools. Adequate and well-maintained facilities create a safe and conducive learning environment for students. This is why facilities and resources are part of school district ratings.

First-time homebuyers should explore a district’s facilities through its website and consider asking for a tour to personally assess the cleanliness and comfort within a school building by looking for signs of well-lit and ventilated learning spaces and asking about cleaning and hygiene practices.  

Well-equipped science labs, art studios, music rooms, and other specialized spaces can enhance hands-on learning experiences in various subjects for students. Other than noting capital expenditures for these rooms in budgets, they can be difficult for a homebuyer to assess without seeing in person. 

When exploring the facilities, it is also important to keep technology in mind, as it is an inseparable component of modern education.  Inquire about technology initiatives at potential schools and the level of access that students have to equipment beyond traditional textbooks and class materials.

Schools with appropriate facilities and resources are better able to provide inclusive education for students with special needs. Accessible facilities and tools can promote a more inclusive learning environment. Plus, the law mandates them via the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students with special needs as well as other students may benefit from open counseling spaces or therapist rooms that contain sensory equipment and other supplemental learning resources to help students with disabilities access the curriculum. 

Class size

Class size and student-to-teacher ratios are directly related to physical facilities and the resources available to a district. Research suggests that smaller class size leads to positive short-term and long-term student outcomes because students receive additional individualized attention from their teachers. This can be especially important for students with special needs.

When considering facilities and resources, it is important to evaluate the long-term prospects of the school district. Research the district’s history of fiscal health and any plans for future capital improvements. A forward-thinking district is more likely to adapt to changing educational needs.

Overall, quality facilities and resources are essential for creating an environment where both students and teachers can thrive. Adequate funding, strategic planning, and community involvement are key factors to consider when evaluating whether schools have the resources they need to provide a high-quality education.

4. Equity and Cultural Diversity Factors 

Schools that prioritize equity provide targeted support to students who may face challenges due to socioeconomic status, language barriers, or disabilities, leading to improved academic outcomes. Inclusion can benefit all students by fostering empathy, communication, acceptance and a sense of community across diverse backgrounds. This improves the school climate for all stakeholders. 

Cultural diversity can enrich the learning environment by exposing students to different perspectives, cultures, and ways of thinking. This can lead to increased critical thinking skills and a broader worldview. When agencies rate and rank districts, they measure these factors through a combination of census data and the achievement levels of students from different groups. 

Measuring equity requires comprehensive data collection, analysis, and a commitment to making necessary changes to ensure that all students have equal access to a high-quality education. It’s important to use multiple measures and involve culturally diverse stakeholders of students, parents, teachers, and community members in the assessment process.

First-time homebuyers can explore equity initiatives in more depth by carefully analyzing a district’s curriculum and looking for engagement among diverse stakeholders to build trust in the community. When looking at historical data, a potential homebuyer may want to analyze subgroup achievement scores and would ideally see the gap closing. Similarly, one may want to analyze the achievement gap between subgroups when comparing between districts.

You can’t ignore diversity, equity, and inclusion

Equity and cultural diversity can have a profound impact on school districts and play into all of the factors previously discussed. For this reason, first-time homebuyers cannot ignore these crucial factors that folks commonly consider as part of overall school district ratings.

Administrators measure equity in schools through a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods that assess the distribution of resources, opportunities, and outcomes among various student groups. It involves evaluating whether all students, regardless of their background, have access to the same quality of education and opportunities for success.

When measuring equity through the lens of student performance and college/career readiness, school district raters examine standardized test scores, graduation rates, participation in advanced courses, and college enrollment across different racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic subgroups to measure for disparities. 

States require districts to measure and report if students with disabilities and students who participate in gifted or talented programs are over or under-represented by subgroups. There are also mandated requirements for students who need additional support to learn and acquire the English language. 

Measuring equity and diversity

School leaders need to take equity and diversity into account on several fronts. Disciplinary actions such as suspensions are analyzed across different subgroups for disparities. Leaders work with teachers to gather and assess the level to which students from diverse backgrounds feel safe, respected, and included. School leaders who are charged with developing curriculum examine the material to ensure it reflects the experiences of different subgroups. 

School ratings also measure the level of diversity amongst teaching staff and school leadership and analyze hiring processes to check for inequities. 

As equity relates facilities and resources, raters analyze how funding, technology, and materials are distributed across schools and classrooms, because students in under-resourced schools may not have the same opportunities as those in more well-funded schools. A first-time homebuyer may want to explore if a district has a family resource center that conducts outreach to parents and community members of different backgrounds. 

5. Other factors to consider

While student performance, college/career readiness, teacher/leadership quality, facilities/resources, and measures of equity/diversity tend to make up the bulk of school district ratings and rankings, there are several other, sometimes more difficult to measure, factors first-time homebuyers should consider. 

Parent and community involvement contributes to community success, and in turn, a school district’s reputation. First-time homebuyers may want to analyze voter turnout for school board meetings and budget votes and compare with other districts. Another indicator for parent and community involvement could be a robust PTA membership. 

Safety is a top priority in modern American schools due to tragic incidents of violence that have played out over the past quarter-century. Analysis of safety and security data can give a first-time homebuyer an idea of a school-district’s safety. Indicators to look for are the number of security guards per school, whether schools partner with local police departments and utilize school resource officers, and whether the school has a safety plan in the event of an emergency. Raters can also check for safety violations and citations issued by local and state authorities, as school districts are subject to state audits. Another indicator related to safety is the presence of an anti-bullying program to reduce violence with a preventative approach. 

Transportation and after-school programs

A practical aspect to consider for first-time homebuyers who will have children going through the school district is whether the district provides transportation or offers after-school programs and how this would affect a homeowner’s own work availability and/or daycare needs. Daycare can have a significant effect on a homeowner’s budget. 

Evaluating school districts before moving: Children playing on the floor at daycare facility

If a first-time homebuyer has a child who receives special education services, it will be important to contact the district’s special education director or special education chairperson to discuss potential options to ensure the district can meet the student’s needs in the least restrictive environment possible. School districts are generally required to match a student’s special education plan from their previous school district and are also required to identify students with disabilities through the child-find process. Special education programs can vary widely from district to district so this may be an important consideration depending on individual needs. 

Finally, a first-time home buyer may want to consider simply reaching out to current parents and community members within prospective school districts to gain anecdotal insights into their experiences. Their perspectives can offer valuable information that might not be readily available through publicly available resources.

Buying a home for the first time? Don’t forget to evaluate local school districts

Choosing the right school district is a multifaceted decision that requires thorough research and evaluation. By considering the factors discussed in this article, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your family’s educational goals and values. .

While first-time homebuyers should carefully consider the quality of local schools before buying a house, that’s just one factor in the decision-making process. To learn more about other things to keep in mind as you narrow down your options, read this: 10 Important Considerations for Buying a House.

Tom Colgan is a certified School Psychologist and Special Education Chairperson working and living in the South Orangetown Central School District in Blauvelt, NY. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Vermont, a Masters Degree and Advanced Certificate in School Psychology from the State Univeristy of New York at Buffalo, and Certifications in School Building Leadership and School District Leadership from the State University of New York at New Paltz. He is father of three young children, educational researcher, homeowner, and involved community member. 


The content provided on this website is offered for educational purposes only. While we endeavor to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the content for any purpose. Visitors are advised to consult with qualified experts before making any financial decisions or taking any actions based on the information provided on this website.

Homeowner Real Estate

For Sale By Owner: Everything You Need to Know

In most real estate transactions, homebuyers and sellers hire real estate agents to represent them. In many cases, buyers and sellers never interact with each other; the agents work as intermediaries and do all the negotiation.

Every now and again, however, you may run into the acronym FSBO on your house hunt. This means “for sale by owner” — a seemingly minor detail that impacts the sale significantly. 

If you’re wondering what FSBO is, you’ve come to the right. This article offers a complete overview of FSBO, including: 

  • What is FSBO in real estate?
  • MLS listing vs. FSBO
  • Why homeowners sometimes choose FSBO
  • Considerations to make during an FSBO transaction
  • How home buyers can potentially benefit from FSBO deals
  • The challenges of FSBO
  • Frequently asked questions about FSBO

What is FSBO in real estate?

FSBO refers to a method of selling real estate where the owner handles the entire selling process end-to-end without using a real estate broker. Instead, they’re responsible for all of the tasks associated with selling a house, including marketing the property, taking photos, making yard signs, listing it, negotiating with buyers, and closing the deal.

All kinds of properties — both single-family and multi-family homes, including standalone houses, condos, apartments, and townhouses — can be sold directly by the owner. However, the vast majority of real estate deals are not made this way. 

In fact, the latest data from the National Association of Retailers (NAR) has FSBOs accounting for just 10% of home sales, with the typical FSBO home selling for $225,000 versus $330,000 with an agent.

MLS listing vs. FSBO

When a homeowner decides to sell their property with the help of a broker or real estate agent, the real estate company typically lists the property in a multiple listing service (MLS) database. There are numerous MLS databases throughout different areas and regions, and each is a network of new listings designed to help real estate professionals. 

When a property goes into an MLS database, the listing typically includes details like square feet (sqft), location, features, and asking price. This allows other real estate agents to access and share information with their clients, resulting in greater market exposure. 

In an FSBO transaction, the property owner assumes the full responsibility of marketing and selling the property to potential buyers. Since they don’t use a real estate agent, FSBO properties typically do not appear in an MLS. 

Instead, property owners usually explore alternative means of advertising FSBO properties like social media, classified ads, open houses, and online platforms like Zillow, Redfin, or Trulia. That said, some MLS systems do offer limited services to FSBO sellers in exchange for a listing fee. 

Why homeowners sometimes choose FSBO 

Any time you explore a new home that’s for sale, you should always think about why the person is selling their house and what their selling strategy might be. This is especially important with an FSBO property, which deviates from the traditional selling process.

With that in mind, let’s examine some common reasons a homeowner may choose to market their property FSBO instead of using an agent.

Save money

One of the top reasons why homeowners choose FSBO is to save money. In most transactions, real estate brokers ask for 5% to 6% of the sale price, with half going to the listing agent and the other half going to the agent representing the buyer. By selling the property themselves, homeowners can avoid paying a real estate commission and pocket the savings instead.

If a person opts to sell their property FSBO to pinch pennies, it may indicate they are a tough negotiator and looking for the best possible deal. In such cases, you should go in ready for a potential price battle and round up as much comp data as you can. 

Maintain control over the sales process

Working with a selling agent requires giving up significant control over the selling process. Naturally, not all sellers are comfortable with this.

By selling a property FSBO, the homeowner can set the listing price, retain control over the property’s appearance, and negotiate directly with buyers — all without relying on an agent. 

Control the market 

Sometimes homeowners want to avoid exposing their property to the general market and target their advertising to a specific group of buyers. FSBO helps reach potential buyers without listing the property on an MLS and attracting the attention of every real estate agent under the sun.

Homes for sale by owner: Considerations to make

In a traditional real estate transaction, buyers often leave the heavy lifting to their real estate agents. But when buying a property for sale by the owner, the process requires more diligence. In addition to securing a mortgage, here are a few other factors you need to keep in mind when you’re considering buying a FSBO property.


First things first: Research the market and ensure the price is fair and in line with similar properties in the area. Here, it helps to get an appraisal or consult with a real estate agent if possible. According to the NAR, 16% of FSBO sellers struggle with getting the price right. 

Property inspections

Always insist on a comprehensive home inspection before agreeing to any purchase. This holds true regardless of whether you are completing an FSBO or traditional sale. Asking for an assessment can help reveal potential issues that a seller may be trying to hide — like malfunctioning wells, septic systems that are past their useful lives, or structural damage.


Sellers often try to avoid dealing with real estate agents altogether when putting their houses on the market as FSBO. As such, you may have to get in the trenches and negotiate directly with the seller about things like price, contingencies, and repairs. Before diving in, brush up on your real estate negotiation tactics.

Escrow and closing

In an FSBO transaction, the roles of escrow and closing are similar to a traditional sale. However, there are some key differences to be aware of. 

In an FSBO sale, the seller and buyer must decide how to handle the escrow process. The two parties can use a third-party escrow company or attorney to facilitate this unless they want to handle it themselves.

What’s more, during closing the seller is responsible for coordinating all closing details — like scheduling the closing date, preparing all of the necessary documents, receiving signatures, and addressing last-minute concerns. It’s also necessary to meet in person and finalize the sale. 


All real estate transactions have a degree of unpredictability to them. When you remove professional real estate agents from the process, things can get a little more chaotic. 

To switch to the first person for a second, when I was buying my first house, I was eying a property that was a FSBO listing. After some tense negotiations, we finally had a deal. The sellers were a married couple; the house was in the wife’s name, but the husband didn’t want to sell. 

Then things got weird. Even though the listing included a commission being paid to the buyer’s agent, the sellers started trying to weasel out of that clause. After more back and forth, the seller ultimately withdrew from the deal. It was an emotional rollercoaster and a waste of time.

When two real estate agents are involved in a deal, they work together to bring it to the finish line expediently. There’s less likelihood of funny business.

The benefits of FSBO for buyers

While people often think of FSBO transactions as being beneficial to the seller, there are some advantages for savvy buyers who can navigate the process and execute a transaction. 

Less competition

From a homebuyer’s perspective, an FSBO transaction means less competition because the property is usually not included in MLS listings. With less competition comes greater negotiation power, which means you could wind up with a better deal.

Personal connection

When dealing directly with a buyer, you can connect more personally. This can establish trust and understanding and help reach a price that both parties can agree to. 

To illustrate, suppose you need a family home in a safe neighborhood with a decent school system. You discover a seller who wants to see their home go to a family that will appreciate the property and put it to good use. In this case, forming a connection with the buyer could help facilitate an easier sale. 

Direct negotiation

In an FSBO transaction, you or your real estate agent can negotiate directly with the seller. This can potentially lead to more flexible and personalized negotiations without someone standing in the way and potentially complicating the process.

The challenges of FSBO

Despite offering a more direct and intimate buying experience, FSBO has several challenges and drawbacks for buyers. Here are a few reasons why buyers tend to struggle when they buy directly from an owner.

Negotiating without third-party representation

The negotiation process goes more smoothly when two licensed real estate professionals with experience closing deals are the ones doing it. In FSBO deals, the buyer may be disadvantaged if the seller has more knowledge or experience negotiating. 

Some buyers may also be uneasy about working with sellers without a neutral third party. This can create trust issues, making it harder to reach a deal. Sellers also may not provide as accurate or trustworthy disclosures. Unfortunately, verifying disclosures on your own may be challenging.

Having less market information

Real estate agents have deeper access to market data and local economic conditions than you do. That being the case, it’s typically much more challenging for buyers to determine a property’s actual value. 

Buyers who choose to move forward with FSBO transactions should consider going in with as much data as possible. Even better, consult with local authorities for information about the property and surrounding area. 

Handling emotional attachment 

Selling a home can be an emotional experience, making it hard to negotiate from a business standpoint. It’s common for sellers to throw curveballs into the equation by changing prices or terms, being flakey, and otherwise attempting to back out of deals.

FAQs for FSBO homes

Thinking about pursuing a FSBO property. Here are some answers to commonly asked questions.

Are foreclosures different from FSBO transactions?

A foreclosure is a different type of transaction. It occurs a homeowner defaults on their mortgage payments and the lender takes legal action to repossess the property and recover their outstanding debt. While a homeowner may choose an FSBO sale to save money, it does not necessarily mean they are financially distressed or in danger of foreclosure. 

How does an FSBO impact the buyer’s agent?

As a buyer, you can still work with an agent when purchasing an FSBO property. However, it’s up to the property owner to decide whether to negotiate with a real estate agent and pay them a commission. 

If you decide to use a buyer’s agent during an FSBO transaction, ensuring that the seller will agree to an agent commission ahead of time is critical. Sellers often try to get out of paying buying agents, leading to disputes and legal issues. 

Do mortgage lenders accept FSBO transactions?

Lenders do accept FSBO transactions. As such, you’ll still have to go through the normal mortgage application process.

Without a real estate agent, the lender will most likely require an independent appraisal to ensure the property’s value and sale price are accurate before issuing a loan. You can also expect the lender to complete a title search, review the contract and other documentation, and verify proof of funds for the down payment and closing costs. The lender may also need to work with the seller to get documentation and complete the mortgage process. 

What consumer protection services are available to buyers during an FSBO sale?

All purchasers are entitled to various consumer protections to ensure a fair and secure homebuying process. This includes the right to review property disclosures, inspection contingencies, financing contingencies, and the right to conduct a title search. 

In addition, buyers can hire a real estate attorney to review the purchase contract and use a neutral third-party escrow service to hold funds. FSBO sellers must also comply with state and federal consumer protection laws, and fair housing laws which prohibit discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, disability, national origin, or familial status.

What is a flat fee MLS listing?

A flat fee MLS listing is a real estate service that allows homeowners to list their properties in an MLS database for a one-time, flat fee instead of paying the traditional commission fees to realtors.

The bottom line: Should you buy an FSBO house for sale?

The vast majority of real estate transactions take place between licensed real estate agents. But during your search, you may find a dream house listing in a top market like New York, Chicago, or California with an FSBO acronym attached to it. Should that happen, only you can decide whether you want to move forward with this type of process. 

While FSBO transactions are more challenging, they can be a walk in the park if both sides come to the table organized and ready to make a deal. It all depends on the property, the seller’s mindset and strategy, and the buyer’s willingness to negotiate and ask the right questions. 

We get it: Buying a property is tricky, and there are countless pitfalls along the way. While research can help, sometimes sites like don’t tell the full story about a property. 

Before you start searching for your first property, we recommend checking out our free guide for first-time homebuyers.


The content provided on this website is offered for educational purposes only. While we endeavor to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the content for any purpose. Visitors are advised to consult with qualified experts before making any financial decisions or taking any actions based on the information provided on this website.

Homeowner Real Estate

Is Well Water Safe to Drink?

When you’re buying a home, it’s easy to get caught up in focusing on things like a property’s appearance, price, and location. But homebuyers also need to carefully consider other factors, like the water you’ll have access to.

Unless you’re a robot or an advanced artificial intelligence algorithm, you need water to survive.  After all, water permeates almost every part of our lives. We use it for drinking, cooking, cleaning, growing plants and vegetables, and countless other tasks — which is why it’s critical to have access to clean, affordable, and reliable tap water that comes out of a faucet at your new place. 

When you’re buying a new home, you have the choice between whether you’ll be drinking and cleaning with well water or city water. Read on to learn what well water is, how it works, its pros and cons, and important safety considerations. 

What is well water?

Well water originates from a deep hole or shaft beneath the surface of the ground. It can come from different underground sources like aquifers, where water sits in permeable rock formations or porous materials such as sand or gravel. 

Not everyone in the United States has access to well water. Roughly 43 million people — 15% of the U.S. population — use private domestic wells as their source of drinking water. In most cases, you’ll find well water in rural or suburban areas that lack municipal infrastructure. 

While it’s possible to install a well in an urban environment, you’ll likely need to obtain permits, licensing, and inspections to install one.

What is city water?

City water comes from a municipal water system. Such systems contain water that originates from local sources like lakes, rivers, underground wells, and reservoirs. The sources that contribute to each city’s water system vary by location. 

Unlike well water, city water goes through several rounds of treatment and sanitation to ensure it’s safe for consumption and other uses. 

Some examples include: 

  • Sedimentation, where water sits in large basins, heavier particles sink to the bottom, and clean water rises to the top.
  • Filtration, which involves passing water through sand, gravel, and carbon filters to remove impurities. 
  • Disinfection, the process of using chlorine and chloramine to kill harmful microorganisms like viruses, bacteria, and parasites. 
  • pH adjustment, which involves adjusting the pH level of the water to optimize taste and reduce corrosion in the distribution system.  

When using public water systems, homeowners have little to no direct say as to how the city stores, treats, and transports water. So, if you’re considering purchasing a home that uses city water, you’ll want to research local water and infrastructure quality to ensure it’s safe. You may also need to invest in private filtration systems to purify the water before use. 

For guidance, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offers abundant water data and reports that you can use to find information about water quality in your community.

How does a well work?

Unlike a municipal water system, a well generates water on-site — meaning it’s a private, decentralized mechanism and the property of the homeowner.

A well contains several mechanisms, including: 

  • Casing to ensure structural integrity and prevent the well from collapsing; well casing may include steel or PVC.
  • Screens, which allow water to enter the well while keeping out debris and larger particles.
  • Pumps that collect water and bring it to the surface; the two most common types of pumps are submersible pumps and jet pumps, which rest above ground.
  • Holding tanks — or cisterns — which store water before transporting it to the house for drinking, irrigation, or other household needs. 

The depth of the well depends on the location of the underground aquifer or water table, or the point where the ground becomes saturated with water. 

Three types of wells to know about

There are several types of wells in the U.S. which can vary depending on the region and geology. As you continue the homebuying process, it’s important to have some familiarity with the most common kinds of wells. 

1. Drilled wells

Drilled wells — which are built using a drilling rig — are the most common type of well for U.S. homes. They reach deep into the earth to access groundwater. Depending on the location, drilled wells can run from a few tens of feet to hundreds or even thousands of feet. 

2. Dug wells

Dug wells are shallow wells that are excavated either by hand or machine. They typically contain a wall of stones, bricks, concrete, or tiles. Most dug wells are less than 30 feet deep. 

3. Driven wells

Driven wells use pipes and casing to reach water tables. These are common in areas with sandy or loose soil and in areas with shallow water supplies. 

Some less common wells you may want to research a bit include mechanically bored wells, hand-dug wells, and jetted wells, which use high-pressure water or air to force the casing into the ground. 

What are the pros and cons of having private well water?

The pros

  • Well water comes directly from underground sources like aquifers or water tables. Because of this, wells are often free from additives like chlorine and fluoride.
  • Since well water doesn’t usually rely on chemicals, it may have a fresher and more natural taste than city water — especially if you use an additional filtration system.
  • Well water systems often use little to no energy. As a result, they have a lower environmental impact than large-scale water treatment and distribution systems.
  • With proper management and maintenance, wells can be sustainable water sources. However, monitoring your well and practicing responsible water use is essential for ensuring sustainability. This is especially important in areas with water scarcity and high demand.
  • Using a well means your home won’t rely on a municipal water system. As a result, you can continue receiving water during local emergencies and outages — as long as your property and well infrastructure remain intact, that is. 
  • As a well owner, you have control over your own water supply. This means you can test your water for quality whenever you want. You can also make adjustments to improve its quality and monitor its usage — like installing a reverse osmosis system or a UV water purifier

The cons

  • Wells are vulnerable to droughts. For example, many wells in Texas are currently running dry following the state’s recent heat wave. 
  • Contaminants can enter wells from nearby septic systems or agricultural runoff. Drinking contaminated well water can lead to serious illness. Common contaminants include coliform bacteria, microorganisms, radium, heavy metals, organic chemicals, fertilizers, radionuclides, and fluoride. Well systems can also be contaminated by human activities.
  • As a homeowner, you must manage and maintain your well water. But not all homeowners want the responsibility of keeping their water supply up and running, and that’s perfectly okay. If you prefer a more hands-off approach, city water may be a better option.
  • Owning a well can potentially limit your ability to build other structures on your property. When buying a home, find out where the well resides to avoid construction disturbances and delays down the road. Of course, you can always relocate the well to accommodate construction plans. But that’s about as easy and affordable as it sounds.
  • Wells are vulnerable to contaminants from disasters like floods and hurricanes. For guidance, check out the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) safety precautions for disinfecting wells after a disaster.
  • If your water has high levels of magnesium and calcium ions, this can lead to water hardness and issues like limescale buildup in appliances and pipes. Well owners with hard water may need to use water softeners; otherwise their pipes and appliances can degrade, potentially leading to catastrophic problems. 

Is well water safe?

New homeowners often assume that wells are perfectly safe to drink from. But without the proper treatment, they can contain high levels of harmful substances — like E. coli, pesticides, heavy metals, harmful bacteria, and animal waste. Consuming contaminated water can lead to gastrointestinal illness and other health risks. In fact, a recent United States Geological Survey (USGS) study reveals that roughly 23% of wells contain one or more contaminants at a level that can cause potential health effects.  

Considering this, well water can still be perfectly safe to consume and use around the house — as long as you follow the right safety protocols. Well water safety depends on the following factors.

The surrounding environment 

It’s important to consider the well’s location. Wells that are near septic systems, hazardous waste centers, and industrial sites can potentially be unsafe due to pollutants. Homeowners in such situations should take active measures to fortify their wells and potentially add additional filtration and purification methods.

The well’s construction 

Proper well construction is necessary for maintaining superior drinking water quality. The well must contain a seal to prevent surface water from getting inside and contaminating it. 

Proper maintenance 

Wells can degrade over time or break due to movement from the earth or nearby construction. As such, it’s critical to inspect your well periodically and keep up with maintenance. Wells that sit for long periods of time without inspection or upkeep can become unsafe.

Treatment options for well water contaminants

While it’s impossible to completely prevent wells from contamination, there are several things you can do to remove or reduce the presence of harmful substances. 

  • Reverse osmosis is an effective water purification method for removing contaminants like minerals, nitrates, nitrites, pesticides, bacteria, and viruses. It involves passing water through a semipermeable membrane to remove impurities and cleanse the water. Typically, reverse osmosis systems are located either in the house or near the point of use.
  • Aeration is a purification method that involves releasing air into the water. You can use aeration to eliminate radon, which is a naturally occurring radioactive gas. 
  • Water filtration systems can remove things like sediment, chlorine, and other common contaminants. They come in various forms like sediment, carbon, and multimedia water filters. Filtration systems sit either in the house or at the point of use. 
  • Well water testing can help identify different contaminants and inform you about your water quality. Generally speaking, it’s wise to hire a professional to test your water in a certified laboratory. It’s a good idea to get test results regularly — and especially in the event you detect a change in water color, taste, or odor. 
  • Ion exchange systems use resin beads to eliminate ions like manganese, iron, and hardness minerals. An ion exchange system replaces these with harmless ions, like sodium. 
  • Oxidation and filtration is yet another method to remove things like iron and hydrogen sulfide. This process involves converting substances into solid particles and then filtering them out.
  • Chemical disinfection (e.g., with chlorine) can kill microorganisms and bacteria in well water. However, some chemicals can be less effective against things like protozoa and parasites. To ensure safety, always use proper dosing and monitor your water quality. 
  • Distillation involves heating water in order to create steam and then condensing it back into liquid. This is a great way to remove contaminants like heavy metals and chemicals. 

Maintenance costs for wells

One of the nice parts about having a drinking water well is that you don’t have to pay monthly usage fees. On average, residential customers in the U.S. pay around $54 per month for water. But in some areas like California, water can exceed $80 per month. 

That said, well owners still need to factor in maintenance costs which can eat into savings over time. Here are some costs to keep in mind.


To ensure your well is functioning properly, you need to schedule routine inspections. During an inspection, a technician will inspect your well and ensure components like casing, pumps, and seals are in proper condition. The cost of a well inspection depends on your location, the well size, and the extent of the inspection.

Water testing

In addition to inspecting a well system, you’ll also need to test the water regularly. This is necessary for detecting and eliminating harmful contaminants — and otherwise making sure your water is safe to drink and won’t corrode your pipes.  


Wells may experience wear and tear as time passes, requiring extensive repairs. For example, you may need to repair or replace pump mechanisms or well casing. If the pump runs on electricity, you might need to replace components like pressure switches or control boxes.

Well cleaning

Wells can collect sediment and bacteria over time which can adversely impact water quality. Homeowners should periodically clean their well to keep it running in optimal condition.


Wells that have contamination issues may require resealing or sanitation. Costs for this kind of work can vary depending on the scope of the job. 


In some cases, local health departments or other agencies may require homeowners to relocate their wells due to public safety issues, zoning and land use regulations, contamination concerns, or infrastructure development, among other things. This isn’t common, but if it happens, it can require extensive consultations, assessments, and negotiations to address. Unfortunately, in some instances, the homeowner may have to foot part or even all of the bill. 


The lifespan of a well depends on its type, local geology, and how well it’s taken care of. For example, a drilled well with proper installation and maintenance can potentially last for around 100 years. On the other hand, a driven well may only last 10 to 30 years. 

With this in mind, check the age of a well before buying a house to see if it will require replacement under your care. Replacing a well may be expensive, but it can also enhance your property’s value. 

Should you choose well water or city water?

There’s no right or wrong answer. It largely depends on where you want to live and whether you care about having to manage a well after purchasing a property. While maintaining a well might seem complex, it’s actually pretty simple with the right guidance, budgeting, and maintenance strategy.

At this point, you have a decision to make: Take on the responsibility of owning a well or opt for city water and a more hands-off approach to water management. 

Struggling to decide which option is right for you? Home Approach is standing by to advise. To receive a consultation from one of our experts, sign up today


The content provided on this website is offered for educational purposes only. While we endeavor to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the content for any purpose. Visitors are advised to consult with qualified experts before making any financial decisions or taking any actions based on the information provided on this website.

Homeowner Real Estate

What are HOA fees?

Before you become a homeowner, it’s essential to think about how much responsibility you want to have when it comes to managing your property. 

Are you the type of person who likes to mow their lawn on a Saturday afternoon, cold beverage in hand? Or would you rather write a check and have someone else worry about it?

If you prefer a more hands-off approach to homeownership, you may want to look to buy a property that’s part of a homeowner’s association (HOA). 

In this post, we’ll examine how HOAs work, what they cover, why they’re important, and how much you can expect to pay should you become part of an HOA community.

What is a homeowner’s association?

An HOA is an organization or entity that manages a community or residential development like a condominium or neighborhood. They typically are managed by an HOA board of directors, which includes elected members who live in the community. Most communities have HOA elections each year.

HOAs are responsible for overseeing various responsibilities, including infrastructure, aesthetics, maintenance, and shared common areas within a community. They act on behalf of the property owners and work to keep the community fair, orderly, and under budget. 

In addition, associations enforce HOA rules, or covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs). These governing documents keep the community in proper condition and help residents avoid conflicts because everyone knows what’s expected. 

Today, roughly 22% of homes participate in an HOA — a figure that has remained consistent over the last decade.

What are HOA fees?

Homeowners association fees are regular payments homeowners who live in HOA communities have to pay. In most cases, homeowners distribute monthly dues to cover the costs of managing and maintaining the common areas and shared amenities within the community.

In some cases, HOA fees may also cover utilities like water, electricity, and cable or internet. However, HOAs can vary across different communities. Before purchasing a property, be sure to find out what your HOA fees cover so that you don’t wind up overpaying for services. 

Are HOA fees mandatory?

HOA fees are generally mandatory for homeowners who live in a community or development with an HOA association. By purchasing a property within a condominium or community association, you automatically become an HOA member and must pay monthly HOA dues.

While you cannot buy your way out of an HOA, there are some scenarios where homeowners can gain a bit more control over their properties. For example, some communities offer non-mandatory HOAs with optional memberships and fees. However, non-members may not be able to access common amenities like community pools or fitness facilities. 

In some cases, the homeowners in an established community may also vote to dissolve their HOA. However, this is rare and typically requires both a majority vote and legal counseling.

If you do not wish to participate in a community with an HOA, the easiest thing to do is purchase a property that’s not part of one. 

HOA fees vs. special assessments

Homeowners in HOA communities contribute financially to the area’s upkeep through both HOA fees and special assessments. However, these are different types of expenses.

Special assessments are one-time or occasional payments that homeowners must make in addition to paying HOA fees. They typically occur when the HOA faces unexpected or significant expenses that exceed what is available in the association’s reserve fund or budget. 

For example, a special assessment may cover major repairs, capital improvement projects, and emergency maintenance like roof replacements.  

What do HOA fees cover?

The specific services that an HOA covers can vary depending on the community’s rules and regulations. But in general, you can expect your HOA fees to cover the following. 


HOA fees typically include insurance coverage for shared structures and common areas. They also include liability coverage for the association.

Security and surveillance

In some communities, HOAs help ensure safety. They may provide security cameras, arrange private security patrols, or restrict access to the community (e.g., with a gate). 

Exterior maintenance 

HOAs often cover exterior maintenance like roofing, siding, painting, parking lots, and structural repairs. They also typically pay for a property management company to oversee maintenance operations.

Administrative expenses 

A portion of the HOA fee goes toward the association’s administrative costs. This may include things like hiring staff members, purchasing office equipment, and paying vendors. 


Communities often have shared amenities like tennis courts, swimming pools, clubhouses, and fitness centers. HOA fees help keep them up and running.

Common area maintenance 

Fees also cover costs associated with maintaining common areas like community gardens, parks, walking trails, green spaces, and playgrounds.

Utilities and services

In some communities, HOAs manage utilities like cable, internet, and electricity. This can make life easier for homeowners by consolidating their bills into one easy monthly payment. 

Reserve funds

HOAs use reserve funds to cover the cost of major repairs, renovations, and expenses. 

HOA vs. no HOA: Cost comparison

Many homebuyers balk at the idea of paying into an HOA at first. But that changes when they do some quick budgeting and think about all of the expenses they might otherwise have to pay entirely on their own. As it turns out, an HOA can actually save you money if it’s affordable. 

With that in mind, here’s a breakdown of some common services that an HOA covers that you’d have to pay for out of your own pocket as a homeowner. 

Swimming pools 

Condominiums and HOAs often have private swimming pools. If you buy a home that doesn’t have an HOA and you want a pool, you will need to cover all the costs associated with maintaining a pool — like water, cleaning, chemicals, and routine maintenance. You may also have to pay more for your homeowner’s insurance policy, too.


It takes a lot to keep a yard looking good. If you want to maintain your property yourself, you’ll need to purchase tools and equipment like lawnmowers, shovels, rakes, and trimmers. Otherwise, you’ll have to hire a landscaper. If your property has trees or other natural resources, you will need to care for those as well. If you live where it snows a lot, you’ll also have to pay to clear your driveway.

HOA fees typically cover landscaping costs as well as snow removal during the winter months — saving you time and money. 

Upkeep and repairs

Without an HOA, you’ll be responsible for keeping up both the interior and exterior of your property. This includes things like painting, ensuring your roof and chimney are in good shape, pest control, and maintaining your walkways and driveway.

Do HOA fees build equity?

Equity is the difference between the market value of your property and what you owe to the bank. Unfortunately, HOA fees do not directly build equity for a homeowner like mortgage payments do. That’s because HOA fees go to the HOA association — not the lender that owns your mortgage.

That said, HOA payments can directly impact your property value. When an HOA is doing a great job at managing the community, HOA fees can potentially boost your equity, albeit indirectly. As a result, it’s critical to purchase a property with a responsible and financially secure HOA that is committed to doing its best to increase the value of community properties.

How HOA fees impact taxes

Unfortunately, HOA fees are generally not tax-deductible for homeowners. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) views HOA fees as personal living expenses instead of tax-deductible expenses. 

Despite this, there are exceptions where you can write off a portion of your HOA fees on your taxes. Some examples include owning a rental property within an HOA community, claiming a home office deduction, or when the HOA assesses special fees or assessments for capital improvements.

Do HOA fees increase over time?

Just like pretty much everything else in life, HOAs generally increase over time. For example, you might purchase a property and pay $350 per month in HOA fees at first. But down the line, it’s possible that those costs could balloon to $500 or more due to any of the following factors. 

Inflation and cost of value 

The price of goods and services tends to increase over time due to inflation and the cost of living. HOAs often need to adjust their fees to cover the rising cost of labor, materials, utilities, and other expenses. 

Aging infrastructure 

Large planned communities require a variety of infrastructure like roads, fences, drainage systems, docks, grills, and benches. HOAs may sometimes raise their fees to fund capital improvement projects or fund repairs. 

Market conditions

HOAs are also subject to changing economic conditions in the real estate market. HOAs sometimes increase fees to make up for revenue shortfalls when property values plummet.

Reserve fund planning 

Part of the HOA’s job is to review and adjust reserve fund contributions. The HOA may occasionally raise their fees to ensure financial stability and prepare for emergencies.

Insurance and legal costs

Insurance premiums tend to rise over time, which can impact homeowners’ wallets. In addition, HOAs sometimes must budget for legal disputes.

When purchasing a property with an HOA, you should ask your real estate agent for a breakdown of average HOA payments for your target property. This will help you understand how the HOA’s fees have changed over time, giving you a sense of where they might be heading. 

Average HOA fees: How much can I expect to pay?

Monthly HOA fees can range from a few hundred to thousands of dollars. Right now, the average cost for HOA fees in the U.S. is around $300 per month. But depending on where you end up moving, it can be much higher. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the key factors that determine the total cost of an HOA fee. 


The location of your property will directly impact what you pay as an HOA fee. For example, HOA fees tend to be higher in urban areas like New York City or Miami, as well as upscale neighborhoods, tourist spots, and vacation destinations. 


The more amenities you have, the more you can expect to pay in HOA costs. If your community has three or four swimming pools, a golf course, or a modern fitness center, your bill will be significantly higher.

Oftentimes, homeowners wind up paying for services that they occasionally use — like the swimming pool they jump in a couple of times during the summer. Before buying a home, take a look at what you’re paying for and determine whether it’s worth the cost.

Property type

The type of property that you own may also impact what you pay in HOA fees. For example, condominiums and townhouses are usually more expensive than single-family homes because they contain shared areas and amenities. On the other hand, a shared home HOA may only cover things like landscaping, security, snow removal, trash removal, and other basic services, resulting in a lower monthly price.

Community size

Large communities with 10 or 20 buildings tend to have higher HOA fees than smaller ones. That’s because they tend to have more shared spaces, more amenities, and more properties to look after. Larger communities are also more prone to lawsuits, which can result in higher payments.  

The HOA’s financial health

HOAs that lack adequate reserves and efficient planning tend to have less stable fees and higher expenses. Working with a well-managed and ethical HOA can help keep costs under control. 

Tips for managing HOA fees

Whenever you’re joining a new community, you’ll want to stay on top of monthly payments so you don’t draw the ire of your new neighbors or your HOA. Missing payments can also result in collections notices, late fees, and legal actions. Here are some tips that can help you avoid conflicts and enjoy a better quality of life.

Attend HOA meetings

By attending monthly HOA meetings, you can stay on top of community issues and voice your opinion about monthly fees and potential increases. If you can’t attend HOA meetings, ask about digital resources like community bulletins, newsletters, and user dashboards.

Keep a careful record of payments

HOA payments will add up over time, so it’s a good idea to track your overall spending. Keeping careful records can also help clear up discrepancies when they arise. If possible, consider using an online portal so that all payments are recorded in one place.

Budget for payments 

It’s important to be realistic about whether you can afford your monthly HOA payment in addition to all of the other fees you’ll have as a homeowner — like mortgage payments, property taxes, utilities, food, furniture, and insurance. Your HOA payment should fit comfortably within your budget and still leave you enough room for a decent quality of life. 

As a best practice, budget a bit higher to account for any changes to HOA fees or special assessments that may be coming down the road. Pro tip: Always set aside a portion of your savings to cover unexpected expenses. 

Demystify HOA fees with Home Approach

Buying a house can be an overwhelming experience with many different figures and details to consider. If you’re having a hard time understanding what it means to join an HOA, that’s perfectly normal.

That said, HOA payments are a critical piece of the financial puzzle when assessing home prices. For further guidance, we recommend scheduling a consultation with one of Home Approach’s expert advisors. Our professionals are well-versed in the intricacies of HOAs and can provide valuable insights to help you make informed decisions.

To gain a deeper understanding of HOA fees and access personalized guidance, sign up for  Home Approach today.


The content provided on this website is offered for educational purposes only. While we endeavor to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the content for any purpose. Visitors are advised to consult with qualified experts before making any financial decisions or taking any actions based on the information provided on this website.